What is a Goji Berry?


Until about 2 years ago, almost nobody in the Western Civilization ever hear of
a Goji berry or a Goji berry plant. Often referred to as the “fountain of youth
plant”, this amazing plant, indigenous to the Tibetan and Mongolian Himalayas,
is really making the scene nowadays. It’s Latin name is, Lycium Barbarum, there
are over 40 different varieties, or strains, around the world.

What’s so special about this plant? For one thing, the Goji berries are the
richest source of antioxidants of any food source yet discovered. Antioxidants
neutralize free radicals that can damage or destroy our DNA and healthy cells.
This can lead to premature aging, and increase the chances of being afflicted by
cancer, heart disease, HBP, diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome, and numerous other maladies running rampart in our Society.

Another unique quality about the Goji berry plant is the 4 unique
polysaccharides it possesses. At least one of these can aid in boosting the
immune system. Another is known to potentially stimulate the Pituitary Gland
located in the anterior of the brain to increase the production of Human Growth
Hormone (HGH). As we get older, our glands often secrete fewer hormones, and the
HGH the Master Hormone in our bodies, controls the function of the other
hormones in our bodies.

The Baby Boomer Generation is mostly coming into their 60’s and 70’s, and health
concerns are taking Main Stage for many of them. Medical and pharmateucal costs
are going through the roof with no end in sight. When the HGH levels in
someone’s system lessens, accelerated aging may increase. Henceforth, when our
HGH levels are increased, many of the symptoms of aging can potentially
decrease, and clinical studies have shown that some of the symptoms of aging can
even be reversed. Some people have experienced original hair color being
restored, eyesight improved, sounder sleep, elevated libido, reduction in
chronic aches and pains, reduced wrinkling, increased energy levels, increased
to illness and disease, improved mental alertness, and a better overall sense of
well being after taking goji berries.

In the Himalayas where the people there customarily have consumed Goji berries
as a part of their regular diet, it is not uncommon for some of them living to
120 or so life spans. The oldest recorded living person is documented to live to
252 years, and ate Goji berries on a regular basis. The Chinese Government
awarded him 3 times with Longevity Certificates. It can be further noted that
people in the Himalayas that traditionally eat the goji berries seldom acquire
many of the “dread diseases” that are considered “incurable” in Western Society.
While our Medical Society busies itself with treating the symptoms with drug and
chemotherapy, surgery, and so forth, wouldn’t it make more sense to look for
what’s lacking in our diets and fortify our defense systems against these
infectious invaders? Ben Franklin said it best when he said, “An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize
Laurite, once said, “virtually every sickness, illness and disease can be traced
to the lack of at least one or more important minerals lacking in our diet”.
With over 60 macro and trace minerals originally in our soils, and commercial
farming customarily replenishing only 3 of these minerals, it is no wonder why
so many of our population are malnourished, even if they don’t know it, and why
diseases rare in the pre-industrial revolution are now commonplace in today’s
Modern Society.

Tim O’shea does research and studies on all types of nutrition. He finds the goji berry to be one of the most nutritional natural foods on the plant.   Gojiberries.us offers Tibetan Himalayan goji berries, goji berry juice, seeds and seaweed fertilizer.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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