Changing seasons, especially summer into fall, is the ideal opportunity to use your
food to increase your focus and energy (It’s time to get back to school, right?). By
changing your food (and the way you live) to adjust to the season, you build energy,
while boosting immunity and managing your weight.
While I’m sure that sometimes you have tons of focus, I bet other times you find
yourself staring into space, grumbling “isn’t it snack time yet?” or begging for “a cup
of coffee”. Well, have no fear! Here are 10 easy (and good) Energy
food and lifestyle ideas for more Fall Focus.
1. Radishes.
A member of the cabbage family this little veggie has tons of benefits. It helps
promote digestion (good for energy and weight loss), supports the thyroid gland
and keeps colds at bay. Also, an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium and
magnesium; this makes it a perfect food for the transition from summer into fall.
2. Basil.
I know that most people associate this herb with summer, tomatoes and mozzarella
cheese, but basil is a fantastic herb to use with meat, poultry, salads and soups.
What’s great about this is that (along the lines with radishes) basil helps with
digestion. This is exactly what you want as your body starts to crave heavier,
warmer foods for the fall.
3. Watercress.
What greens are you eating right now? The more greens in your diet, the clearer
your focus will be. Don’t be afraid to move away from salads as the weather gets
cooler — your body wants the warmer food, but don’t sacrifice eating greens.
Watercress is a fantastic green for the fall. Not only is it high in vitamins and
minerals, but it’s own growing season extends into November making it one of the
heartier greens out there.
A secret tip: watercress taste great sautéed. Add a drop of olive oil and
wa-la, a yummy, heated green!
4. Facial Pack.
It’s not just you. The weather changes and suddenly so does your skin. You find
yourself distracted by strange bumps, rashes, pimples that are suddenly popping up
all over. Even if you don’t have any unsightly blemishes, a facial pack will provide
moisture to dehydrated summer sun skin.
Pack Mix: Mix 1 tbsp of old-fashioned oatmeal with 1 tsp. of non-fat
yogurt. Blend and apply to damp skin. Massage gently for a few minutes. Rinse. Mix
1/2 tsp of wheat-germ oil with 3 tbsp of sage tea. Apply mixture while still warm.
Relax for 20-30 minutes before rinsing.
5. Whey.
Need to detox from all of that summer bbq or amusement park high-sugar food?
Whey contains calcium, protein, lactose, lactic acid, potassium, the B vitamins,
nutritive salts, iron, phosphorous and magnesium. This Energy
content makes it perfect choice for replenishing healthy bacteria to the digestive
system. Be sure to seek advice about whether to purchase the sweet or sour form.
6. Body Lotion.
Our increase of showers in the summer may have had our bodies clean and smelling
sweet, but also robbed of our natural oils and moisture. Usually to compensate for
the loss of oil the body produces more of it which can lead to enlarged pores and
other problems. To prevent loss of oil after bathing or showering, pat dry instead of
rubbing and use an all natural (no perfumes, chemicals or dyes) body lotion. Your
skin will be properly moisturized and your body energized as it won’t need to be
fighting throughout the day to try to cleanse and detox all of those factory made
lotion ingredients.
7. Apples.
This is a loaded fall fruit: potassium, phosphorous, iron, calcium, magnesium – you
name it! The double secret and extra benefit of this fruit is that it can prevent
constipation and control diarrhea. It knows exactly what your body needs!
An Energy Tip: keep apples crisp by storing them in a
perforated plastic bag in a cool place.
8. Nuts.
Energy production takes place at the cellular level. Shift in the seasons can affect the
body’s absorption of vitamins and nutrients. If you are feeling an energy drop as we
move into fall, you must listen to your body! Do not try to “up” yourself with
caffeine, sugar and other stimulants. This just makes matters worse. Use walnuts
and almonds in moderation to give you a steady stream of energy.
9. Kneipp Therapy – aka Water Therapy.
German priest Sebastian Kneipp developed the water therapy system that bares his
name and is used in spas around the world. Kneipps main moto is: “Inactivity
weakens, exercise strengthens, excess harms.” If you find yourself less active as we
move into fall and specifically having less contact with water you can try this quick,
easy, at-home technique to increase blood flow, stimulate metabolism, even out
mood and boost immunity. Use a shower head or hand held faucet spray. Direct a
very cold stream of jet water onto the bridge of the nose for 1 minute. Then switch
to warm water for 2 minutes. Finally, back to cold for 1 minute.
10. When all else fails, relax …
If you find you are tenser or more irritable with weather changes, some form of
relaxation may ease your overall mood and stabilize your energy and focus. Try
yoga, tai chi, reflexology or feldenkreis.
The most important thing is to find whatever proves to be relaxing to you and be
sure to incorporate it into your week.
One last note: Keep in mind that if your body’s main objective is to give
you more focus and increased energy, you should NOT go for sweet stimulants
more than once in a blue moon. Remember our main goal is to consistently FEEL
good, not just temporarily. : )
Heather Dominick, The Energy Expert is an energy and nutrition specialist with over 10 years of teaching and coaching experience. Heathers primary focus is in helping others identify sources for increasing physical energy and making permanent lifestyle changes. To sign up to receive your free chapter of the famed e-Book “Get EnergyRICH”, for her freebie how-to articles and no-charge teleclasses on creating your most energized life, visit