Kick It Up With Cardio – You Have To Move It To Lose It!


One of my favorite topics; cardio. I love cardio. I am the cardio queen. If I can’t burn fat and increase my oxygen levels in my blood, I don’t even want to put on my workout tights.

Last week I was so stressed over a project I wanted to run around the set screaming and stuffing truffles in my mouth at the same time. But I soon came to my senses for a brief moment and thought about the long-term effects of both of those actions.

I would feel like an idiot for screaming and I hate being embarrassed. If I would have eaten those truffles I would start seeing dimples bubble up in the form of cellulite on my buns and thighs so I opted a more sane solution.

I excused myself for an emergency appointment. That’s right, an emergency! If I were physically bleeding, I would have had to leave and go for stitches and bandages. Well… I was emotionally bleeding and I had to stop the pain and do something with the wound right away.

I hopped in my care and went to a private studio, threw on some tights and sneakers and hit the treadmill. I turned on my iPod that is loaded with my favorite high-energy music. After a few minutes I was singing with Fergie and Mary J Blige and I felt sane again.

Here are some ideas to help you work in more cardio to your lifestyle. Staying lean and fit and healthy is a lifestyle, not a temporary quick fix that you try for a week.

Your life is special and you want to be totally alive for it. Put yourself first and watch the beautiful treasure that unfolds from that.

Change it up:

If you walk or run on the treadmill, try something else like the elliptical, the new treadwalker, take a cardio class or a cardio step class to switch up the step up your cardio.

Your body adapts to the same motion and over time so doing something new makes your bodywork harder and this will also keep your workouts fresh and more fun. I love doing my Power Shaping II workout on Mondays and Thursday, I do my Maximum Abs workout and then kick it up on the treadmill a couple of days and I do the stair stepper on the weekends.

I love the variety in my training program, the combination of cardio and dance moves, keeps my sculpted it burns lots of fat.

Train With a Faster Friend:

Whether you train in a cardio class, with a DVD, in the gym or in your neighborhood, a faster workout friend can challenge you to keep up which drives your to train at a higher intensity. It’s a great way to burn fat while you have more friendship and fun! Plus, the great bonus is your workouts go by faster when you’re talking about great topics.

Break it Up:

Take mini workout breaks. Every couple of hours or several time a day, do something physical to pump up your heart rate and rev up your metabolism.

Slip out of your work shoes and put on your sneakers and briskly take a power walk around the block on your break or put the kids in the stroller and head out around the neighborhood moving fast and furious. You will raise your heart rate, increase oxygen, which burns fat, and you will increase your physical energy.

Stay in the Game and Train Longer:

If you train for 30, keep going. It’s am amazing the long-term results you can see from adding an extra 15 minutes to your workouts. Also try to do two days a week of longer pure fat burning workouts. I like to do two sixty-minute cardio workouts a week. It keeps me lean, reduces my snack attacks and helps me sleep peacefully at night.

Who wouldn’t want those benefits from training a little bit longer?

Keep up the good work. Don’t sabotage yourself by getting on the scale every other minute. Step up your cardio, drink your four quarts of water per day and stay away from simple carbs and you will break that plateau.

You deserve to reach your goals. Do not let anyone or anything move you away from your dream. Life is tough, things happen and people try to steal your time. Hold on to your health, your fitness and your diet like your life depends on it. Because, in the end, it does.

Plan it out and make your workouts a priority, you will feel awesome from doing more cardio, it’s hard at first, but once you make it a habit, you see redeems years of anguish and anxiety disappear from your face and your body.

Victoria Johnson is your Celebrity Personal Trainer. Visit her web site at [] and sign up for her Free Weekly E-mail Newsletter where thousands of people just like you are releasing unwanted body fat and regaining control of their healthy bodies each week!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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