Regular cardiovascular training can improve overall health in a big way but only if done in right intensity and couples with a good diet. Cardiovascular training is one of the most important aspects of fitness. Not only does it strengthen heart but can also add years to your life by decreasing stress, lowering blood pressure and reduce cholesterol. In fact if you are looking to reduce weight, cardiovascular training in conjunction with a good diet is one of the most effective ways to achieve your goal.
Swimming, jogging, running, cycling are all good forms of cardio vascular training and if done regularly can help you reap a lot of benefits to your health. However, it is important to keep in mind that if you are new to cardio training then you must increase your intensity gradually, trying to do too much, too soon will usually result in you either becoming injured or discouraged.
Research show that an aerobic exercise program that exceeds more than four 45 minutes sessions per week has a limited effect on improving your aerobic capacity. You burn up more calories if you aerobically exercise more, but you won’t necessarily wind up with a heightened level of cardiovascular fitness. In addition, exercising aerobically more than 1.5 hours per week may be counterproductive, if your goal is to maximize your level of muscle mass.
Your goal dictates how much cardio you should do. For example if your goal is to reduce body fat then 20-40 minutes sessions 3 to 4 times a week. Start slowly if you are just starting training, e. g. three times per week, 20 minutes per session. But if you are trying to gain weight then do very less cardio like 2 sessions of 20 minutes of light intensity to maintain health benefits. For improving cardiovascular fitness three to four sessions of 20-30 minutes should yield good result.
It’s also important to change your exercise pattern after you have been on a regimen for a period of time. Alternate between swimming, running, cycling and aerobics if possible. This keeps the cardiovascular workout more effective. The key to effective cardiovascular training is consistency and regularity while ensuring you keep safe! Happy Running!
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