Are You as Fit as You Can Be?


How many times have you looked in the mirror or got to the top of a flight of stairs and thought to yourself that you need to get back into shape. Everyone goes through these experiences, so don’t worry you are not alone. But how fit is fit? If you stop to think about it it really is a relative term. The fact is, that it is unreasonable to think that you will ever be able to fit into your high school clothing again, because there are biological realities that have to be accepted. However; it is entirely reasonable to imagine that you can shed some pounds with relative ease if you are willing to apply yourself.

One thing is for certain and that is that diets don’t work. This is because, when you go on a sudden diet your bodies metabolism will react in much the same way as a starving persons would. It slows down to conserve energy and the result is that when you go off of the diet the pounds return quicker then they were taken off. The only thing that will work with regards to calorie intake is permanent dietary adjustments. Remember, that consuming a hundred calories less each day, which is what is in a half a can of beer adds up into the thousands over the span of a year.

Exercise is key to any fitness program, because muscle tissue burns energy. This means that a toned body is far more likely to stay that way then a body that has merely lost some weight. Exercise will also increase your metabolism, because exercise has the exact opposite effect on your bodies metabolism that a diet has on it. All of this means that with just a few less calories taken in and a few minutes of exercise each day, you will see results over the course of a year.

Written by Antonious Frederickson. Find the latest information on the Bowflex Treadclimber [] as well as the Bowflex Elite []

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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