Women have been spending endless amounts of time and money trying to lose weight or wishing they had either to even attempt the venture. Many have turned to “fad dieting” and “magic pills” only to fail in the end. It becomes a bitter cycle that just seems unrealistic because who has the extra hours to dedicate to exercise or the time and money to shop for special foods and “potions”.
A mother and physical trainer has gone ahead cracked the weight loss code for other women who want to transform their lives without turning it upside down. The program is designed to be done at home without the loss of time or expense of daycare or a gym facility. The Fit Yummy Mummy Life Style is a proven safe system that was designed by a mother (and professional trainer) that not only targets the problem areas of the post baby body but also enhances your overall health and energy so that you can get through your already busy days.
This system is one that anyone can follow because it doesn’t ask the impossible, it requires only 90 minutes of exercise per week and that can be as little as 15 minutes six times a week or three sessions of 30 minutes. Holly teaches you how this is the most effective way to get rid of the fat. One woman who was lucky enough to have the time for long periods of exercise said “I was shocked to learn that all the cardio I was doing was really working against me rather than for me”.
A doctor from Kentucky said “Despite what women tend to believe, endless cardio session do not render the results of a tight and toned body, nor is it found in the surgeons office. The solution instead can be found in time efficient workouts especially those busy moms can do right in their homes.”
The website offers The Fit Yummy Mummy Nutrition and Exercise Program as well as ten bonus books including The Busy Mom’s 7-step Quick – Start Essentials Program, The Fit Yummy Mummy Guide to Fast and Easy Meals and Meal Plans 101.
Looking for fitness tips, information, and program reviews visit: [http://www.fitnessprogramsreviewed.com]