How To Treat Female Infertility Symptoms

How To Treat Female Infertility Symptoms

There are many couples that are may looking healthy and perfectly well, and the thought of female or male infertility never crosses their minds.

What is actually infertility?

An infertility problem is defined clinically as the inability to have babies or carry a child to full term during the pregnancy period. If you have had a year of unprotected sexual intercourse or are over 35 years of age and can’t conceive, you may have this problem.

There are many women that after been diagnose of having infertility problem by their medical doctors, could not accept the fact as explained by their doctors. It is not the end of their planned chapter on parenthood; it was just the beginning of a different chapter.

Doctors will take a look at their medical and family history to uncover other symptoms of infertility. Symptoms found are:

1) Having irregular menstrual cycle. It is less likely for women to have a perfect 28 day cycle and there are many having their period only once a couple of months. Any cycle less than 24 days or more than 35 days is considered irregular and can lead to a meeting with a reproductive endocrinologist. By knowing this before hand, you can treat infertility problem

2) Are you having not constant ovulation?

There many women out there assumes that if they are have period regularly, they must be ovulating. In fact, not all women ovulate every cycle.

Since there is usually a 24 hour window where she is most fertile, calculating when she ovulates is crucial to eliminate female infertility. This method is one of the oldest method to curb this problem.

3) What about your family history?

You need to know if your mom had trouble conceiving you and your other family members having problem conceiving babies. This will give you an indication on how answer screening questions.

4) Does age also play a part in female infertility?

Women above the age of 35 may not automatically be infertile, in fact 40 something women also could get pregnant. The reason may due to the number of eggs a woman produces each cycle diminishes in her mid-thirties.

Therefore the chances of getting pregnant become less in comparison to someone in their early twenties with all other factors being constant. After knowing this, you should take having early medical checkup to undercover the symptoms before planning a baby.

5) Are you stress out?

There are lots of medical research that stress is one of the symptoms that causes female infertility. Stress management by controlling your emotional and mental pressures may able to prevent infertility issues.

Fear not medical science is so advanced and there lots of miracle babies being born everyday.

Once you are aware of the symptoms of infertility, and take some measures to prevent it, and at the same time having the faith of having a baby will overcome any fears of infertility.

Therefore, Eddy has started a information guide on how to help people to deal with infertility and offer good how to get pregnant solutions.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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