Diet shakes help you to eat and live healthier

Diet shakes help you to eat and live healthier

Medifast is a long-term player in the pre-prepared foods, diet plan market. With more than 25 years experience and extensive research, including a study conducted at John Hopkins University in 2003 regarding diabetics with weight problems and a study in 1998 at the National Institute for Health, it is a verified program that is considered both effective and medically safe.

Initially, Medifast dieters are put on a very strict regime of protein and carbohydrate shakes, designed to limit caloric intake and to encourage the body to burn fat stores. This is a five week plan wherein the body will undergo certain changes, including an increase in mild ketone production. Studies were imperative when this methodology was utilized, because ketone measurements are carefully monitored in cases of diabetes. (Ketones are the signature metabolism present in urine when the body is burning body fat and/or when the body is not producing enough insulin).

Although Medifast might be considered a high-protein/low carbohydrate proponent, it is really only during the initial phase that the amount of carbohydrates (and calories), is strictly monitored, via the substitution of pre-mixed shakes for meals. After this initial phase, dieters begin to rediscover the lean group of vegetables and later, after their desired weight is obtained, they reintroduce the more starch-laden carbohydrates, such as carrots, peas, potatoes, etc.

In today’s fast-moving world, there are a lot of people who appreciate the fact that all the Medifast meals are pre-prepared. (Except for the shake mixes, which are easy enough to make).  The cost isn’t that much more than the average person would spend at the grocery store and, since a great majority of grocery shopping would otherwise be spent buying fat producing candies and nutrient-deficient food, the estimated $300 per month is a small price to pay for improved energy and health.

It is important to note that exercise, during the initial phase of Medifast, is not encouraged. This is due to the fact that before your body begins burning fat for fuel, there is a period where it will tap into previously-ingested toxins. Burning these toxins as fuel can lead to lethargy, dizziness and a myriad of other symptoms. Once the body begins to burn stored fat, these toxins will be released in a two-step process, linked to fat burning, that will prevent their immediate access to the blood stream. (They are trapped by the body’s release of CO2 and lactic acid). Thus, the proponents of Medifast encourage exercise programs to begin only after the client has completed the first stage of the diet.

Medifast is not short on testimonials nor on Health Advisors. During a progressive move in 2006, (designed to garner ongoing support for each and every client), Medifast developed an Avon-type agent structure.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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