Is Diet Coke beneficial for weight loss?

Is Diet Coke beneficial for weight loss

Diet Coke: Can You Lose Weight Or Is It Just An Empty Drink? Is diet coke really good for weight loss or is it just waste.  It’s the ongoing debate, if you like carbonated beverages; it might be a choice for you.  But, it’s chemicals and carbonated can’t be too good for you.  They’ll be talking about this for a long time. Fake sweeteners are beneficial. Blood sugar and tooth decay is not an issue.  Also, it you do drink regular Coke, which is 140 (empty) calories and 39 carbohydrates and switch to Diet Coke, you can save 420 calories a day and 117 carbo’s.  If you drink it 7 days a week, 2940 calories are saved and that is just beverages.  It’s just 600 calories short of the 3500 calorie = 1 pound measuring stick.

The fact is a low-fat or no-fat diet just makes you hungry for more sweets to counterbalance the horrible taste bland foods or drinks like Diet Coke have.  Many healthy food products available today, it really is hard to imagine how come we are faced with an ever increasing obesity problem. This situation has led many to put the blame on artificial sweeteners, when in fact the problem lies elsewhere. Some people are addicted to caffeine.  I got off the addiction before it got too late. 

Caffeine can be a great stimulant for the human body.  Focus and activity and energy come every time we drink something that contains caffeine. This is why caffeine is used in most of today’s weight loss pills. It can also have a low to mild appetite suppressant effect.  This is why people can’t leave these carbonated beverages completely. If you do need to drink more than three cans of coke a day, do yourself a favor and have Diet Coke or Diet Rite is even tastier and has less sodium. It will give you all the benefits of caffeine without the headaches of counting the sugar calories. Do not skip meals though and drink Diet Coke instead.  Wouldn’t you like to have some healthy portion instead of “drinking your meal”?

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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