Do not buy Buy A Memory Foam Mattress… until you read this!

Do not buy Buy A Memory Foam Mattress... until you read this!

You will surely have heard that memory foam – or visco elastic foam – is an amazing and revolutionary material to use in mattresses, because it relieves pressure points and helps to sleep better. This statement is true, but you’ve to know that not all memory foam mattresses are just the same. We can’t be experts in everything, so the lesser honest dealers will talk about and show lower quality memory products, because they are sure the average person can’t identify the difference between one memory foam from another. Yes, they say “this is the space age foam” or “Nasa foam”, eventually showing the now-famous picture of the hand imprinting over the material. And yes, they say “you’ll get the same comfort of the most famous brand name, but at a fraction of the price, because the Big Guys have to pay million dollars budget advertising, etc.”. Lies, lies, lies.

The truth is that all memory foam isn’t the same: on the market you can find cheap, mid quality,  good and premium memory foam. So, if the price seems too good to be true, probably it is! But, how can you detect a good memory foam?

The first thing you’ve to check (and ask to the dealer) is the memory foam density: the cheaper foam has a 2 to 3 lb. density, the mid quality foam has a 3 to 4.5 lb density, good foam has a 4.6 (and over) lb density, the premium foam has 5.3 lb to 5.9 lb density.

Density is very important because it’s the factor that tells you the foam ability to properly support the body.

You’ve to know that the cheaper memory foam has a lower density, thus it weights less, simply because there’s lot more air in it, and air it’s very cheap today!

If you buy a cheap memory foam mattress, it will loose its return-to-the-shape feature and its resiliency after one year; a medium quality foam will last around 5-7 years, a good and premium one will last much longer.

So, pay more to get an high quality memory foam mattress it’s a savvy decision and a great investment on your health in the long run.

Surely, density alone isn’t the only factor to base your buying decision on, but knowing it has many advantages:

  • You know when a salesperson is trying to take advantage of you.
  • If you ask about density, the salesperson will understand you are an educated shopper, so he can’t risk to give false information to you.
  • You can identify poor quality products and better quality ones.

Stay tuned for the next articles, where we discuss about other important factors that affect memory foam quality: ILD firmness, temperature sensitivity…

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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