Fibromyalgia is an illness that causes chronic pain in muscle s and ligament s. Fibromyalgia, also known as fibromyalgia syndrome, fibromyositis, fibrositis, and myofibrositis. It is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points. Fibromyalgia tends to occur in women much more often than in men. It is estimated that more than 80 percent of people with fibromyalgia are women between the ages of 30 and 60 years. The term “fibromyalgia” means pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons. Fibromyalgia must be diagnosed through a process of elimination. In other words, before a complaint can be labeled fibromyalgia, it must first be determined that there is not some other cause. Most patients with FMS say that they ache all over. Their muscles may feel like they have been pulled or overworked. Sometimes the muscles twitch and at other times they burn.
While fibromyalgia is one of the most common diseases affecting the muscles, its cause is currently unknown. Symptoms usually arise between the ages of 20-55 years, but the condition also may be diagnosed in childhood. Many other symptoms also occur in people with this disorder. Symptoms may come and go. In general, fibromyalgia is strikes women seven times more often than men, according to a 1998 National Institutes of Health report. Some people with fibromyalgia also experience depression, tension and migraine headaches, irritable bowel and bladder, chronic fatigue syndrome and temperomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction (characterized by pain in the jaw). Therefore, fibromyalgia is different from many other rheumatic conditions. In those diseases, tissue inflammation is the major cause of pain, stiffness and tenderness of the joints, tendons and muscles, and it can lead to joint deformity and damage to the internal organs or muscles.
Causes of Fibromyalgia
The common causes and risk factor’s of Fibromyalgia include the following:
The exact cause of fibromyalgia is not known.
Disturbed sleep patterns may be a cause rather than just a symptom of fibromyalgia.
Family History: If a parent, sibling, or other relative has fibromyalgia, one is more at risk for developing the condition.
A viral or bacterial infection.
Emotional trauma and stress.
People with insomnia or other sleeping disorders such as restless leg syndrome or sleep apnea.
Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Some sign and symptoms related to Fibromyalgia are as follows:
Muscle pain and fatigue are the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia.
Poor sleeping.
Frequent urination.
Dry mouth. Headaches and migraines.
Feeling of pain, burning, aching, and soreness in the body.
Pain in the knees and kneecap area.
Sense of tissues feeling swollen.
Numbness, tingling and feeling of cold in the hands and feet.
Irritable bladder and urinary complaints.
Treatment of Fibromyalgia
Here is list of the methods for treating Fibromyalgia:
Antidepressants known as tricyclics are commonly prescribed for the treatment of fibromyalgia, primarily to reduce sleeplessness and muscle pain.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy and other forms of counseling, including hypnotherapy.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
Muscle relaxers such as Flexeril may be used to relax muscle spasms in specific locations without affecting overall muscle function.
Over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil), and naproxen (Aleve) may help.
Vitamins , dietary supplements , and herbal products.
Some methods of stress reduction to consider include biofeedback, deep breathing, meditation and massage therapy.