Natural Healing Therapies Today – Part 2

Natural Healing Therapies Today - Part 2

We all know that massage therapy is a form of natural healing medicine, but did you know that there is still an abundance of other natural health disciplines from which to choose? 

One of the many unique examples of alternative medicines in practice today is iridology.  The “eyes have it,” or so it may seem, as professional iridologists peer into your iris to determine specific markers that may signify disorders in the body.  Similar to the theory in reflexology (foot pressure massage), particular parts of the iris are purportedly interconnected to particular parts of the body.  By examining the eye, natural healing practitioners can “see” what may be ailing clients.  Some of the many natural health care techniques and treatments a professional iridology practitioner may use include kinesiology, herbal medicine and nutritional counseling. 

Another interesting form of natural healing medicine is herbalism.  Today, there are master herbalists who have studied for many years on end to help in healing with a number of herbal remedies.  A matter of fact, did you know that over 80% of the human population uses medicines derived from herbs?  Some of the many illnesses and health problems that are helped with this natural healing therapy include common digestive issues, colds, and flu, among others.

Kinesiology, another type of natural healing technique is relatively new as it was developed during the early part of the 20th Century.  As a method for muscle testing, kinesiology allows practitioners like iridologists and herbalists to determine which therapy will be most beneficial.  Furthermore, massage therapists and naturopathic doctors often facilitate kinesiology as part of their overall diagnostic processes.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding natural healing therapies, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore natural healing programs near you.

By The CollegeBound Network

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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