10 Tips to Tackle Holiday Stress and Sleep Well

10 Tips to Tackle Holiday Stress and Sleep Well

It seems like even those of you who generally sleep well most nights can often experience occasional, transient insomnia during the holiday season. As we move into Thanksgiving and Christmas, there is all the stress, strain and tension surrounding getting it all done.  Gifts to buy, extra food preparation, making that special dessert, having company, throwing a part, attending parties and that’s on top of all the regular activities of job and family responsibilities.  All add up and can often wreak havoc with your circadian rhythms.  We’re burdened with thinking it all needs to be perfect and you try to make it all happen.  Your system gets overloaded with stress, not to mention extra food and beverages.

The following 10 tips are offered to help you maintain your sanity:

1. Normal Routine.  Try to keep to your normal routine as much as possible. That means going to bed as close to your regular time and rising at around the same time each day.  Of course, this will be challenging on party nights, but try to keep these to a minimum.

2. Plan Ahead.  If you’ve got company coming, try to alleviate some of your ‘last-minute stress’ by purchasing groceries, gifts or even doing advanced food preparation ahead of time.  Get the gifts wrapped.  That was always my job and mom loved it that it was one less thing she needed to do.

3. Regular Exercise.  Exercise is one of the precursors to achieving good sleep.  Besides, it’s just simply healthy for you.  Try to maintain your regular routine.  Hit the gym or at least get out for a walk.  You mind will be refreshed and your body thankful, and you will sleep better.

4. Ask for Help.  The holiday festivities don’t need to be your totalresponsibility.  Ask family members to assist in the preparations.  If you don’t ask, they may not know how stressed and burdened you feel.  And, there is a very good chance they will be very receptive to pitching in to make this a joyous time for all.  Enlist your family to clean and decorate the house, wrap the gifts and prepare the meals.

5. Reduce Caffeine.  Keep your caffeine intake to a bare minimum or not at all.  Caffeine can have a very long half-life, particularly in those who sleep lightly to begin with.  Adding caffeine to increased stress levels is a sure-fire way to disrupt your sleep even more.

6. Watch your Alcohol Intake.  Alcohol, even in small quantities, can induce a false sense of sleepiness.  But falling into an alcohol-induced sleep state will be anything but satisfying.  Your slumber will be restless and it isdoubtful you will enter deep delta sleep, which is needed for that energized feeling the next day.

7. Water – Drink Lots.  Dehydration can be your worst enemy, particularly if you are having more than your usual amount of alcohol.  Make sure your body is well hydrated with at least 8 – 10 8-oz. cups per day.  Water makes up 85% of your blood, 80% of your muscles, and 75% of your brain.  Make sure you don’t dry out.

8. Be kind to Yourself.  Before your shoulders end up bunched up into your ears, seeming never to get unstuck, reward yourself and take a break.  Plan a relaxing massage, facial or manicure.  A massage is great for you guys too.

9. Breathe Deeply.  Diaphragmatic breathing is an excellent way to induce relaxation throughout your entire body.  Test whether you are a chest or belly breather by putting one hand on your chest and one on your belly.  Look down as you breathe (normally).  Whichever hand rises first indicates your normal breathing pattern.  Most people are ‘chest’ breathers by habit.  Just for 5 minutes focus breathing letting your diaphragm rise first.  Your breathing will be slow and deeper.  Even 5 minutes of deep belly breathing will induce relaxation.  Plus it simply relaxes you and feels good.

10. Talk to your Brain.  After you’ve done some deep diaphragmatic breathing (this really helps to relax you), then have a chat with your brain.  Tell it you will sleep soundly tonight.  Tell it you deserve a restful peaceful night.

The mind-body connection is really significant.  Make use of this amazingly powerful tool. Practice these behaviors and you will sleep soundly and have pleasant dreams of sugarplums and Christmas Kringle making everything just right and come visit http://thespiritofsleep.com for more useful information on sleep.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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