Cures for Insomnia

Cures for Insomnia

Do cures for insomnia exist? The simple answer is YES. However, most of us are only interested in quick-fix solutions. We live in a world obsessed with quick-fix fads; fast food, microwave meals, instant weight loss pills, instant abs etc. Inevitably the sleeping pill has become the number one choice for the majority of insomniacs.

In 2004, the pharmaceutical industry made 550 Billion dollars in sales. Why are they so profitable? Because they sell the ‘dream’ the ‘quick-fix solution’ which we more than often buy into. They spend millions a year on their advertising campaigns. I’m sure your familiar with there campaigns; the adverts on TV with healthy, smiley people running around on the beach, having the time of their lives.

We are often blinded from the truth. We see these fancy adverts and think ‘I want that!’ The emotional attachment to these adverts is exactly what these big corporations want. They’re not interested in your health or your well being. Do they ever tell you about the possible adverse drug reactions? I doubt it, otherwise you would probably know about the estimated 100,000 deaths in the US each year from adverse drug reactions alone.

Every night we are exposed to more than half a dozen of these adverts. Effectively we are being brainwashed by these companies. In fact, many prescription drugs are becoming household names. But are these pharmaceutical companies providing effective cures for insomnia?

Sleeping pills are generally bad news as they will break down your body’s natural sleep cycle and make sleep very difficult in the long term. It may also affect the amount of deep sleep you attain during the night as most major sleeping pills interfere with normal brain wave patterns.

You may find that you wake up feeling groggy, drowsy or tired. Other Side effects include urinary retention, blurred vision, dizziness and palpitations. Sleeping pills may help you get to sleep but with continual use your body will build tolerance and you may find that you need to ‘up’ your dose to attain the same affect.

Sleeping pills should not be relied upon especially for the long term sufferer. Professional medical advice should always be sought before taking any new medication. You should also avoid taking them for more than 2 or 3 nights in a row, as prolonged use can cause ‘rebound’ insomnia, which is more difficult to treat.

These are the lives of real people being affected. Do you really think these big pharmaceutical companies are putting those billion of dollars in profit back into research? Do you really think that they are researching cures for insomnia?

But there is a brighter side to all of this (fortunately). There are other ways and alternatives to taking a sleeping pill to get to sleep. In fact there are far more effective ways to do deal with insomnia such as acupuncture, reflexology and hypnosis.

These alternative methods often tackle the underlying cause of insomnia rather than just the symptoms. On that fact alone, they are far more effective and healthy for you than the sleeping pill.

I hope you enjoyed this article on cures for insomnia. If you are interested in natural solutions for your insomnia then speak to you doctor about alternative practices and therapies.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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