Five Element Acupuncture

Five Element Acupuncture

Find Five Element Acupuncture Training and Therapy in the United States and Canada. Five Element Acupuncture is one of many types of ancient acupuncture therapies. Designed to treat body, mind and spirit of individuals, Five Element Acupuncture is known to bring about whole harmony within the body by using the Five Element Theory of acupuncture.

How is this accomplished? Five Element Acupuncture practitioners pay careful attention to patient histories; and to completely comprehend individual needs, Five Element Acupuncture practitioners take cases to learn about the patient’s environment, and the five elements that may be affecting his or her life. 

Five Element Acupuncture is based on the five elements of Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wood. In Five Element Acupuncture, practitioners observe these elements to discover which one affects his client the greatest.  For example, individuals lacking or exceeding specific elements, like Earth, may experience emotional emptiness; whereas fire individuals may experience a lot of joy and laughter.

Five Element Acupuncture practitioners determine these energy blocks via the acupuncture meridians to find which of the five elements is blocked, and how it may be affecting his/her patient. Supporting the patient, a Five Element Acupuncture practitioner will carefully choose acupuncture points and insert fine, thin, hair-like needles just beneath the skin (based on the five elements) to help restore energy flow, and harmony back to the Chi (life force).

Acupuncturists who provide Five Element Acupuncture treatment must have received training and education in acupuncture and Oriental medicine, and must be certified and licensed to practice.  Individuals, who are interested in pursuing careers as an acupuncturist should review course prerequisites and whether or not Five Element Acupuncture is part of the curriculum.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding Five Element Acupuncture Training, let professional education within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programsnear you.

By The CollegeBound Network

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