Alkylglycerols – Amazing Substance That Boosts the Immune System – Americans Unite – Take Charge of

Alkylglycerols – Amazing Substance That Boosts the Immune System - Americans Unite – Take Charge of

I am getting a little perturbed today as I read through information on a hugely important, amazing substance known as alkylglycerols (AKG’s), an ingredient found in the liver of cold water sharks.  And since it’s also found in our bone marrow, and found in mother’s breast milk (as designed by nature) to help babies develop strong immune systems, this substance has to be good for us right?  It was put in our bodies with a lot of thought (by whatever deity you believe got you here). 

You’d think we’d want to know more and more about this substance.  It has been prescribed for decades all across Europe and for good reason.  It clearly boosts our immune system.  And that I can attest to being a daily imbiber of amazing alkylglycerols.

If our physicians in America would get out from behind their prescription pads, if the researchers in America would get out of the pocket of the pharmaceutical companies, we might have a fighting chance at throwing some research into natural healing products that the rest of the world uses and knows about that would surely benefit Americans.  And since 3 out of 4 of us are either depressed, has chronic pain or a disease, it is obvious, at least to me, our continued reliance on pharmaceutical drugs is making us one of the sickest yet wealthiest nations in the world.  

It also seems to me, Americans are so indoctrinated into only relying on the word of the medical community, they are fearful of stepping outside the confines of clinical research that can never conclusively agree about anything anyway.  Have you ever noticed, at the bottom of every research page, the statement, “but further research is indicated.”  Have you ever, ever read “this research is conclusive.”  Now we know why, everyone’s afraid to make an affirmative statement and risk being sued but we still have free will and free choice, right?     

Yes, I know, this debate has raged on for years yet it still riles me when I check in over at the American Cancer Society and read their page on alkylglycerols.  Here’s an excerpt for you:

Shark liver oil is widely used along with conventional cancer treatment in northern Europe, and is sold as a dietary supplement in the US. There is no reliable scientific evidence showing shark liver oil supplements are effective against cancer in humans. Recent research has focused on certain components of shark liver oil (alkylglycerols, squalamine, and squalene). Early lab studies suggest that they may have antitumor effects in animal models, but their effects in humans are not yet known. Clinical trials are currently under way. 

Now, there are articles, patient studies, conclusive evidence that AKG’s help enormously with cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment. If early lab studies suggest that alkylglycerols may have anti-tumor effects in animals but not yet known in humans, why don’t we get on it quickly and check it out in humans?  Is it at all possible we are sitting on a potential cure for cancer and it goes unnoticed because the drug companies want no part of that?  Imagine if something as simple as continually boosting the immune system could cure the common cold. 

Peter T. Pugliese, MD, author of Devour Disease with Shark Liver Oil (IMPAKT, 1999).  “They inhibit cell proliferation – that’s how they prevent cancer, stimulate the immune system, and incorporate into the cell membrane, supporting the structure of the cell.”  Now, that bears looking into.   

And there’s a lot more of that out there if we just look.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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