Ways to Improve Fitness on the Beach

Ways to Improve Fitness on the Beach

Finding fitness on the beach is easy. Just look around and you will see many fit people walking on the sands. But if you’re looking for your own fitness, the beach has plenty to offer. From the sands to the waters and even your beach towel, you can find fitness on the beach to be more than just fun in the sun – you can get in shape too.

The secret behind fitness on the beach is that everything and anything can be used to improve your health – if you just use your imagination. The sand is the easiest place to start to increase your fitness. Running or walking on the dry sands is much harder than walking on pavement, increasing your fitness levels and adding to your cardiovascular health. When you’re pushing sand out of your way, you’re using more muscles and the workout is harder – it’s really the best exercise equipment. You can also use the sand as a weight machine by trying to kick it with your feet – excellent for your legs. Or you can try lifting the sand to help with a sand castle with the kids – great for your arms and chest.

The water is the most obvious help for fitness on the beach. If you know how to swim, you can get a nice workout in while you’re relaxing for the day. With a stronger riptide or current, it will be all the more helpful for your entire body. Try to swim laps if you can, using your arms and legs at the same time for the maximum benefit. Cupping your hands as you swim will increase the resistance for your arms and add to the benefits you receive. You can also try surfing for another challenge to your muscles or head out on a kickboard or with flippers to really work your leg muscles.

But you probably haven’t considered how your towel can help with fitness on the beach. Try this exercise: take a towel the long way and hold one side in each hand. Slide your hands towards the middle so that your hands are about shoulder width apart and straight out from your body. Lift the towel above your head as you grip it tightly and then slightly lean to one side and then the other. You’re working out your arms as well as defining your sides. You can also use the towel to workout your legs by lying on your back, placing the towel around both heels and creating resistance as you push your heels away from your body and then back to your body.

Fitness on the beach can be fun as well as convenient if you just bring your imagination along with your sunscreen.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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