How to Get and Stay Motivated to Accomplish Any Goal

How to Get and Stay Motivated to Accomplish Any Goal

As a behavioral specialist and coach I assist 100s of clients each month to accomplish their most important goals. Recently I conducted a Lunch and Learn program on this very subject at a major entertainment company here in Los Angeles and found that the most common goal among woman is to lose weight.

Well I am happy to report I have had a very high success rate with my clients who have worked with me on this very same goal and followed my program and these beginning steps. Let’s now look at what it takes to stay motivated and accomplish our goal.

1. Identify and define the task or goal you want to accomplish.

2. Uncover at least two reasons why you want to accomplish this goal. The reasons must be compelling-enough to make you do what you need to, even when you don’t feel like it!!! For example. You see your doctor and she tells you that you have Cancer and you need to modify your diet and lose 25 pounds, otherwise your life expectancy will diminish and that may mean you don’t see your children grow up, etc. This is pretty compelling isn’t it!

3. Rewrite your goal with an objective measure (in which to know you’ve accomplished it) and a due date it needs to be accomplished by.  For example. I will release 16 pounds by September 30, 2007. I will workout 30 minutes a day, 3x a week from today- August 1, 2007, till September 30, 2007

4. Rewrite above goal statement as an “I have/I am statement.” Creating this kind of statement is important to the cognitive process of believing and creating (As explained in the DVD- The Secret and the book Law of Attraction.) For example- It is September 3oth, I am so happy as I look at the scale and see I have released 16 pounds of weight off my body. I now weigh 120 pounds and I look and feel great!

5. At least 3x a day spend 10minutes doing this exercise. Sit in a quiet place -Read your statements above, then-Close your eyes, visualize you accomplishing the goal, and see it in full        color-Feel the feelings that you would feel accomplishing that goal, act as if, tricking your mind to believe it is happening now.

6. Identify and write a list of the counterproductive patterns of behavior that you have that may impede your accomplishment of this goal. Now on another piece of paper, write a list of productive or proactive behaviors that would move you closer to accomplishing your goal. ***Study these so you can be aware and prevent the counterproductive ones AND to know what productive patterns you can activate and try out instead for more movement forward towards your goal.

7. Use my- Emotional Management Technique, EMT©  to talk yourself in and out of all your behaviors. I teach it privately to my clients in their coaching sessions, or you can purchase my- Are You Stressed product, where I explain it in detail on the CD and in the workbook.

8. Create a list of tasks that would move you closer to your goal, Take some time everyday to plan this and put these in your daily calendar to assure the tasks get done. Consistently complete each task each day to bring you closer to your goal. For example: Each day plan out your food and package it and bring to work, Each weekend grocery shop to get all weeks food and snacks, Every other day exercise a minimum of 30 mins., alternating between cardio and weight training for best results.

9. Make a commitment to yourself. Write out a contract that you sign that has your #3 goal written in it, hang this up where you can see it regularly (maybe on the fridge, bathroom, above your desk or bed). **For example it could read: I  your name,  commit to releasing 16 pounds by September 30, 2007. I will do the following tasks each day/week/month to accomplish my goal: then list your tasks you discovered in #8.

10. Make a commitment to others too. Tell your doctor what you’ll do, tell your friends, partner, parents, children, co-workers, everybody! Research shows if you tell others, you are less likely to go back on your word, we have more accountability. We don’t like to look foolish, or feel ashamed if we don’t accomplish what we say we are going to do. In addition, having a workout buddy, or weight release pal is also helpful for the same reason.

11. Reward yourself when you accomplish your goal. Make sure you pat yourself on the back, praise yourself, recognize your diligent work to complete your contract and accomplish your goal. You deserve it!

These are some beginning steps you can take right now that will get and keep you motivated towards accomplishing your goal. For advance help please call me at 310-202-1610. Remember: In order to be the person you have never been, In order to have the life and relationships(s) you have never had, You must do what you have never done before: Give me a call or contact me so I can support you in having the best life you’ve ever had!

© 2007 Dr. Cindy Brown

Dr. Cindy Brown “The Business & Relationship Doctor””publishes the Live Healthy, Work Healthy & Be Wealthy ezine. If you’re ready to jump-start your relationships get your FREE Audio Class and FREE tips now at

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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