Understanding Colorectal Cancer

Understanding Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is one of the most comon cancers in the Unites States Today. It is also one of the biggest killers. The problem with all cancer is that it is such a horrific illness that we consider it one of those things that “happens to somebody else”. Unfortunately we are all at risk of cancer but, if we take a little time to understand it, then we can reduce the risk of becoming a statistic.

One common misunderstanding with colon cancer is it’s name. It is often referred to as colon cancer, or bowel cancer but these are actually all the same disease. This type of cancer affects the wall of the colon or rectum. This wall is split into different layers. The cancer starts at the innermost layer and works it’s way through until it reaches the outer layer and spreads to nearby organs and lymph nodes. Eventually, (if left untreated) it will spread to other areas of the body and will, in effect take over the body.

When caught early, colorectal cancer has a good cure rate. This is why it’s so important to recognise the symptoms. Some things to look for include a change in how often you go to the bathroom. You may find that you are going more frequently, or less frequently than normal. Also, as the cancer grows it can be obstructive and therefore cause consitpation or a bloated feeling. Back pain is another symptom that is common in colon cancer. Other symptoms may be unexplained weight loss, tiredness, your stools may be thin, watery or have blood in them. Some people experience nausea, vomiting, and even anaemia.

Ideally. you will remember that prevention is better than cure. Although cancer of the colon can be hereditary, it is often avoidable by taking some sensible, healthy precautions. Of course the most obvious, (although not directly associated with this cancer) is to give up smoking. By doing this you will dramatically reduce the risks of not only cancer, but heart disease and a whole host of nasty illnesses. It is no secret that we are a nation of junk food addicts. There is nothing wrong with a treat now and again but people don’t seem to understand how important it is to eat good wholesome food. Try and eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and also give these to your children from an early age. This way you will not face such tough meal times as they get older. Fibre is also very important in the porevention of colorectal cancer. By keeping natural and healthy bowel movements, you colon can get rid of waste effectively and this in turn will help not only to reduce the risk of colon cancer, but will also help your general well-being. You will have more energy and feel healthier overall. There are some foods now that have been labelled as “super foods”. This means that they are particularly high in one type of nutrient. Although it is great to eat these foods if you can, some of them can be expensive and if your on a budget, you will find it hard to fit them into your weekly shop. I would suggest just to be sensible. Include at least some vegetables with every meal, and snack on fruit instead of chocolate or crisps.

Here’s a great tip. Remember the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Well there is some real truth to this one. Apples are considered one of the foods that help to combat cancer. The skin of an apple contains fibre, and the apple itself contains short-chain fatty acids which are known to help prevent harmful bacteria growing.

You can take vitamin supplements to replace what you are not getting in your diet, but this should be a last resort. It is always better to eat healthy and get your vitamins and minerals from real foods as they are far more effective. Of course on top of eating healthily you should also take regular exercise. I won’t dwell on this as we all know already how important exercise is for our bodies in general, not just cancer prevention.

You can never be sure that you won’t become a victim to colorectal cancer or any other type of cancer for that matter, but by keeping fit and healthy you will keep your immune system in good order and your body will have a good chance of fighting off any illness, disease and harmful bacteria. If all this seems a little daunting, just do things in baby steps. Introduce your new healthy lifestyle one step at a time. start with more fruit. Swap some of your chocolate bars for apples. Try and get your heart rate going for 15 minutes a day. Gradually, you will start to find things easier and introducing healthier living will become more natural with every step.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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