Natural Remedy for Insomnia

Natural Remedy for Insomnia

The thought of the after effects of taking medication instead of a Natural Remedy for Insomnia makes me shudder. Addiction, morning headaches, daytime fatigue, personality changes, memory impairment, impaired concentration, poor judgment, mood disturbances, and in extream cases irregular heartbeat, and high blood pressure. The list goes on and on.

A Natural Remedy for Insomnia, a herbal remedy. Used to cure insomnia and many other ailments for thousands of years these natural remedies are becoming more and more popular with main stream health care professionals.

They are not a quick fix. They will not put you to sleep in minutes or keep you in an artificial coma for hours. Natural remedies for Insomnia are, in the main, more gentle and as a cure offer an ideal alternative to main stream medicine. It is certainly a very large and complex subject, for more detailed advice than we go into here sign up for our article list at the address shown below.

A Natural Remedy for Insomnia may well include one or a blend of the following;

PASSION FLOWER eases anxiety-induced insomnia. Calming and can ease muscle spasms that can be very painful and keep you awake.PEPPERMINT Used as a tea it may ease digestionRED CLOVER Used for years as a tonic. Very relaxingREISHI MUSHROOM Eases anxiety and calms the nervous system. A help for those with insomnia.ST. JOHN’S WORT Good for mild depression and anxiety. It improves the quality of sleepSIBERIAN GINSENG Gives you a lift. Good for the treatment of depression, lethargy and chronic fatigue syndromeSPEARMINT A few drops on your pillow can be very soothingTHYME Try it as a tea or put a bit into your pillowVALERIAN Valerian tea is a natural sedativeWOOD BETONY Use it as a substitute for teaCATNIP Often used in insomnia formulas and as a sleep promoting teaFLEECE FLOWER ROOT Treatment for deficient blood syndromeGOTU KOLA Has a calming effect and also improves the circulationHOELEN Noted for it’s calming, soothing effectHOPS Relaxing and calming. It also digestionJASMINE Used as a tea, it’s a mild nerve sedativeJUJUBE (DA T’SAO) Relieves nervous tension and apprehensionKAVA KAVA Very relaxingLAVENDER Use it in your nightly bathLEMON BALM Relieves nervous tensionMARSHMALLOW ROOT A calming herbOAT FIBER Soothing to the digestion and to the nervous systemPASSION FLOWER Eases anxiety-induced insomniaSAGE Eases depression and is good for the nerves

Whilst this list is incomplete and almost all lists will be  a large number of the “Natural Remedy for Insomnia” remedies point to relaxation.

 1. Use relaxing music. Keep your favorite relaxation CD at the office, in the car, or wherever you’ll need it most. 2. Walk a while. If you have at least ten minutes to spare, walking is one of the best relaxation techniques.3. Listen to relaxing music. Keep your favorite relaxation CD at the office, or wherever you’ll need it most. 4. Take a walk. This is one of the best relaxation techniques if you have at least ten minutes to spare.5. Exercise – Find a form of exercise you will enjoy – yoga and tai chi are great for relaxation. 6. Schedule in relaxation time every day – This could be for as little as 30minutes a day or one hour away from the office during lunch time. 7. Get into yoga. This type of exercise puts an emphasis on relaxation. 8. A massage is also a great way to relieve stress from the body. It’s also very conducive to relaxation. 9. Practise this at least twice a day, perhaps on waking and when you go to bed. This will train your unconscious mind to be able to quickly take you into abdominal breathing and hence relaxation.

I hope some of the above give you food for thought in your hunt for a Natural Remedy for Insomnia.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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