Hot and Cold Pregnancy

Hot and Cold Pregnancy

The way of health is the way of the body which is largely the way of food, diet.

The body digests, transforms food, nutrients into blood into structure into function, into health or disease. There are only two kinds of nutrients, foods: building and cleansing. Building nutrients, foods, protein, fat, meat, eggs, cheese, etc. build and fuel all structure and function. Cleansing foods, nutrients, water, minerals, fruit, vegetables, grains, etc. reduce,. cleanse, cool and moisten.

The correct amount of building and cleansing produces and maintains the correct amount of structure and function where the body mind can thrive. The incorrect worsens, sickens the body mind via too much (overbuilt) or too little (under built, over cleansed) structure and function.

Pregnancy is a biological function produced by biological structures, organs, glands.

Infertility, miscarriage and short term pregnancy are examples of too little structure and function. The fetus, ovum, sperm, hormones, ovaries, uterus, liver, etc. are built and fueled by blood, food, nutrients, protein and fat. Low protein and low fat diets, in excess, tend to cause blood deficiency, anemia, amenorrhea, infertility, miscarriage and short term pregnancy.  It takes a certain amount of blood, protein and fat, to hold a baby.

Low protein and low fat foods, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, beans, nuts and seeds build blood, structure and function, less pregnancy.

Low protein and low fat diets are generally used by those suffering excess protein and fat, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, cirrhosis, gout, dysmenorrhea, warts, tumors, cancer, etc. to reduce, cleanse the body of excess protein and fat. There are very few cancers, tumors, heart disease, etc. that are caused by too many fruits, vegetables and grains.

Carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, grains, water, sugar, minerals, enzymes and fiber reduce, cleans, cool and moisten. A high carbohydrate diet is generally used by those suffering from excess protein and fat, high cholesterol high blood pressure, constipation, etc; not by those seeking to get and stay pregnant.

Many women, on a daily basis, tend to eat high carbohydrate, low protein, low fat, salads, raw vegetables, fruit, pasta, bread, beans, nuts, seeds, milk, yogurt, cheese and fish. This type of diet, in conjunction with menstruation, tends to create blood deficiency, which not only causes amenorrhea, infertility, miscarriage and short term pregnancy, but also pallor, fatigue, forgetfulness, thin skin, hair, nails and bones, etc.

Blood deficiency can be cured by supplementing the body, blood with more protein and fat, meat, eggs, chicken, turkey, etc. not less, beans, nuts, seeds, light dairy. The general diet, meal plan is 1/3 protein and fta, 1/3 grain, 1/3 vegetable (3-5) and fruit, spices and herbs which can be manipulated up or down to increase or decrease blood, structure and function.

Siberian ginseng, cooked foods and spices  increase digestion. Digestion is a fiery process, acids and enzymes that transform food, nutrients into structure and function. It is supplemented by cooking, spices and diluted, weakened by an excess of water, fruit, vegetables, sugar, cold drinks, etc.

Evening primrose oil and black currant oil nourish, strengthen the reproductive organs. Eating seeds, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, etc. helps build seeds. Check with your doctor before making any dietary, herbal changes.

Laxative and bitter herbs (golden seal, gentian, etc.) should be avoided as they are laxative, downward moving in nature, which is contrary to pregnancy. Pregnant women want to hold onto their babies, fetuses which they can do when their blood is rich, protein and fat. They can not hold (miscarriage, short term pregnancy) onto their babies well when their blood is thin, low protein and low fat, and or too high in water, sugar, minerals, bitter herbs, etc. Coffee, caffeine is also laxative, bitter in nature and not recommended for pregnant women.

High protein and high fat diets, in excess, tend to build growths, tumors which can interfere, prevent conception and or harm the fetus. Most women tend to suffer the opposite, unlike men who tend to suffer both, deficiency and excess. Blood, protein and fat build and fuel sperm, testosterone, erections, etc.

A decline in blood via anemic diet (low protein, low fat, high carbohydrate) reduces the amount of sperm, testosterone, erections, premature ejaculation and or impotence. Red meat, eggs, chicken, etc. build better erections than grains, beans, nuts, seeds, salad, fruit and dairy. Too much protein and fat, in the extreme, can also adversely affect the prostate, tumor, cancer and or behavior, dominance, violence.

The cure, remedy is too eat less, less protein, fat, meat, eggs, cheese, oil, space and or skip meals, especially dinner, eat more fruit, vegetables, grains, bitter herbs, fennel, etc. check with you doctor first before making any dietary, herbal changes

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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