Eat Living Whole Foods

Eat Living Whole Foods

Live whole foods are an important part of our diets that most of us are missing today. They have nutrients our body needs for better health. The information you find in this article may help your complete health and nutrition.

What are live whole foods and why are they important?

Live whole foods are unheated or uncooked plant-based foods that are raw and alive. Which may include fruits, fresh juices, nuts, seeds, beans, sprouts, vegetables, grains and legumes, etc. These raw live whole foods contain an extensive range of live enzymes and vital life force nutrients – vitamins, amino acids, minerals, etc.

Many who have been on a raw live food diet have seen great health improvements from eating this way. They have said to have improved skin appearance, mental alertness, energy levels and digestion. Losing weight can result as well by eating live whole foods.

By this time you may be a little more curious as to what eating live whole foods can do for you, and how safe it would be to go on an all raw food diet.

As with any diet you should consult your doctor first. However in my opinion it just wouldn’t seem healthy to eat all raw foods all the time. It seems that by eating all live foods you’d be missing some vitamins and minerals you may only get from other foods like dairy. Still, a diet composed mostly of live whole foods is one of the healthiest approaches to eating because of how rich in nutrients the foods are!

The best way to approach any diet or way of eating is balancing. A healthy well balanced diet with raw foods as your main source of nutrients would be a great way to approach it. Due to the amount of food that is being processed and with all the chemicals and preservatives of today, live whole foods do contain many nutrients that we are missing.

For most of us, it isn’t realistic to be eating a diet composed of all organic live whole foods due to our busy schedules, budget, and fast paced lifestyle. However I do believe that if we incorporate more living foods into our diets, we will feel more energized and ready to take on the world! Cutting back on processed foods and replacing them with more fruits and vegetables will greatly increase our complete health and nutrition.

To me there is nothing wrong with eating live whole foods, just so long as you are eating a well balanced diet. Organic is always the best way to eat anything, since you are not putting chemicals into your body that don’t belong there. That’s not always possible as we all know, but if you eat as much organic as you possibly can that’s good too.

Finally, my last bit of advice is this: do plenty of research on this and decide for yourself what is best for you and your family, and consult your doctor.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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