Easy And Inexpensive Home Remedies For Acne

Easy And Inexpensive Home Remedies For Acne

If one looks out for the treatments available for acne today, one would be astounded by the available range to choose from. However, there is a great range of products that could help you, but at the same time, they could be quite heavy on your pocket as well. Besides, some of these products might come with side effects. The way out, therefore, is alternative home remedies, which are inexpensive and very safe.

This might surprise some people but oil is one of the best natural cures for acne. The kinds of oil that are often used to treat acne are rose hip seed oil, lavender, sandalwood and primrose oil.

Ice, the most inexpensive treatment, is also there to cure the irritation of acne. It also helps in compressing the pimples, which then becomes less noticeable. Some people have also found that if ground nutmeg is mixed with cold milk and then applied on the acne, it works very well.

Toothpaste, which can be found in almost every home, is also considered a good home cure for acne problem. One can apply it on the affected area and then leave it overnight, and in the morning you might get up without the pimple.

For acne treatment you may also use milk of magnesia with the help of a q-tip or cotton ball to the affected area. After letting it dry for a while you can wash it off with cool water. In order to get the better and faster results, it is recommended to apply it at least twice or thrice a day. A drop of visine on the pimples also helps, but not always.

To avoid red spots on your skin, avoid popping or squeezing the pimples, as it helps in spreading the bacteria, which makes the breakout even more prominent and look bad on your skin. So get rid of these pimples through proper treatment.

No doubt the home cure recipes are very effective and come with no side effects. However, they would ask for your patience because some of them may take a little while to produce noticeable improvement. Just trust them, they would surely cure your acne.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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