Living in the Fast Lane


Many of us are now living in the fast lane…our lives are fully scheduled, even our ‘personal time’. This often leads to a stressful lifestyle, with side effects like anxiety, sleeplessness, depression and potentially addictive behaviours and activities.

We all have a vision, if somewhat blurry, of our ideal life. To develop a fuller picture of this preferred life, and to understand what “feeds us”, we need time and space. Many people have a longing for a slower, perhaps fuller life and are beginning to look inside themselves to find out what they truly desire.

Learning to pause periodically during the day to ‘re-group’ and replenish our energy can be a helpful ‘first step‘, and can make an enormous difference in our hectic lives.

Take the time today to try this “Wellness Retreat”:

Three Minute Wellness Retreat:

Close you eyes for a moment. Think of a time and place, either real or imagined where you feel completely relaxed, completely at peace. Notice all the sights around you, smell the smells, hear the sounds, feel the objects. The more you involve your senses in this, the more effective it will be. Take a deep breath through your nose, hold it for a count of three, then push the air out through your mouth. Do this three times. Sit quietly for three minutes just noticing how your body feels. Slowly open your eyes. Notice how you are feeling now, right this minute. Hold onto this feeling by revisiting it periodically throughout your day.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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