Acne Guide: Tips For Curing Cystic Acne


Curing cystic acne in effect means, taking care of the skin properly. Taking care of the skin means giving the skin what it wants, what it deserves. Vitamin D ingredients are essential for the healthy skin. To enable the skin to breathe freely, give it fresh air and sunshine. Oxygen is a great stress reliever. Do it within limitations and don’t go to the sunburn extent. Use a good tanning lotion.

Never think for a moment that body and mind are separate. They are intimately related. The goings in the mind will definitely have a telling effect on the body. So, carefully budget your time and plan your events, to avoid the stress at the last moment. Give a fixed time to your exercise schedule. Yoga asanas and meditation are highly recommended.

You know that the blocked pores are one of the reasons for acne, but do you know what is the reason for the blocked pores? The simple remedy is water. Drink lots of water. Shortage of water in the body leads to dehydration. By doing so, you are causing the pores to be blocked, and extending invitation to acne. Have you ever, realized why you feel so fresh, when you take a bath? It is due to the cleaning of the pores.

There is another school of thought which says that dirt has nothing to do with acne. Since the exact causes of acne are still not known, you can welcome any logic relating to the appearance and growth of acne.

But over washing, over scrubbing the face or any part of the body is to damage the skin. It will result in dry skin. What happens next is creation of more oil. More oil and more dead cells make a mess of it, resulting in blocked pores giving scope for the appearance and growth of acne.

Mind your diet. Since acne is the outward manifestation of the internal purities, take that food which helps to purify the system. Seasonal fruits and seasonal vegetables are the answer. Avoid all those heavy and oily stuff, which are not easily digestible.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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