ADHD Treatment: Medication For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The disorder shows certain symptoms such as hyperactivity, absentmindedness, impulsiveness and distractibility in the patient.

One important aspect about treatment for ADHD is you need to be constantly in touch with your doctor for taking the appropriate medicine at the right time. Remember the doctor is dealing with the most important part of human system, i.e. your brain. Any negligence on your part in reporting the actual development or delay on the part of the doctor to guide you with correct medicine may worsen the situation.

ADHD is not a very easy disease to deal with. It affects you in hundred ways, small or big. Your day to day life is adversely affected due to problems created by ADHD.

Once the disease is diagnosed by a mental health specialist you will be put on medication treatment. Such medications may give you instant relief. It will be easy for you to conduct the activities. The problem with the ADHD patients is that they have very low dopamine in the frontal part of the brain. Stimulant medications are given to rectify this defect. Via these medicines, the patients dopamine level is increased and the symptoms of the disorder are checked regularly.

When it comes to the choice of stimulant, mental health professionals prefer Adderall. It is a salt known as amphetamine and it is given in suitable doses once or twice a day. Next to it is the stimulant called as Ritalin which is always prescribed by the doctors. It needs to be taken more often and many times and has certain side effects. The final choice of stimulant that is recommended by the medical practitioners is Cyclert. This is however not much favored because of its capability to produce dangerous side effects like liver toxicity.

Any new drug that arrives in the market, that too for treatment of any serious type of disease, is hailed as a wonder drug. Same thing can be said about Stratters when it was introduced in the market. It was believed that certain cure for ADHD is found. People who did not wish to take stimulants liked this drug. It is mainly an antidepressant drug and within a few days of its taking, it had the capacity to reduce the level of norepinephrine in your brain. That is to say it treats both, the ADHD problem as well as depression and anxiety.

Thus it is very important to be careful while taking ADHD medications. For long term relief, alternative methods like yoga along with other stress busters and prescribed medications are the best bet.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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