The Universal Healing Art of Jing-Qi-Shen demystifies energy healing in its many forms. Beginning with a basic explanation of The Three Treasures of Healing (San Bao) – jing (essence-of-life), qi (energy), and shen (spirit), Chodak offers easy-to-learn methods to generate healing energy that anyone can learn.
Topics include:
Theory of Energy Healing = Sensing the Energy Field = Qi Breathing = Cleansing the Auric Field = Balancing the Chakra = Intuitive Body Scanning = The Meridian System = How to Draw and Send Healing Qi
With step-by-step instructions, exercises, line drawings, and treatment protocols for over 50 common ailments, this complete guide to healing can provide you with everything you need to help yourself and others towards health and wholeness.
About the Author:
Aside from running a successful holistic health practice, Rinchen Chodak is the co-founder of The Jing-Qi-Shen Foundation ( which provides healing workshops and seminars. Chodak is an Interfaith Minister, and an attorney.
Ordering Information: The Universal Healing Art of JING-QI-SHEN; A Complete Guide to Hands-on Healing =Ven. Rinchen Chodak =Softcover (ISBN 978-0-6151-3695-0)=On Sale January 2007=Published in conjunction with Lulu (, the world’s fastest-growing provider of print-on-demand books.