Apples and Constipation


The average American’s daily diet includes less than half of the required fiber we need. Learn why fruits, especially apples, are great at preventing and relieving Constipation.

How would your automobile react if it only received half of the octane it needed to run? What if it only got a third of what it needed? Do you think you would see and feel a difference in its performance? No doubt it would be sluggish, it would lack power and it would barely move. Now consider that the average American’s daily diet includes less than half of the required fiber we need. Yeah, your body will perform just like that automobile.

Studies have shown that a diet that’s high in fiber can help prevent cancer and heart disease, as well as many other threatening diseases. You know the old adage—An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. It turns out that that phrase actually has some truth to it. Apples are very high in fiber. They also have pectin in them which adds bulk to the stool. Apples have a natural laxative effect on the colon and they encourage bowel movements. Not to mention they’re one of the tastiest ways to get fiber!

Apple cider, applesauce and apple cider vinegar are also valuable for they offer many of the same benefits as apples. But apples aren’t the only fiber rich fruit on the tree. Here’s a delicious list that will help you get the right amount of fiber in your diet:

  1. Bananas – Bananas are also very high in fiber and they can help restore normal bowel functions. The potassium in bananas keep the muscles of the intestine functioning properly.
  2. Strawberries, prunes and spinach – Everybody already knows about prunes, but strawberries and spinach also work as laxatives.
  3. Whole grains—Whether through cereals or wholesome breads, whole grains are an important addition to your diet.
  4. Beans—Add beans to soups and salads to add depth to the taste and fiber to your body.

Recent studies have shown that we need at least 35 mg of fiber in our daily diet to be able to effectively fight off many chronic illnesses and diseases, such as heart disease. The average American gets between 11 and 15 mg of fiber a day. Is it any wonder cancer, diabetes and heart disease runs rampant?

Warding off those nasty health concerns is one thing, but for most people, they connect fiber to constipation more than anything else. If you don’t eat enough fiber, you get constipated, plain and simple. So exactly how does high-fiber foods like apples and bananas help alleviate constipation?

Fiber adds bulk to the stool and in the process, the stool becomes softer and easier to pass. It also speeds up the digestive process so the food waste isn’t sitting around hardening, it’s actually on the move through the digestive system. A high-fiber diet requires that you drink at least 8 cups of water a day. The fiber needs the extra water to work effectively and the water also acts as the body’s lubricant, allowing the stool to pass even easier. Fiber causes less straining during bowel movements, reducing the chances of hemorrhoids.

Changing your diet to include more fiber and drinking more water is a great start to a healthier lifestyle. But what about all those years of ignoring nutritional labels and soda drinking? All of the effects of those hard living years can be found right in your colon. There’s anywhere between 5 and 25 pounds of collected waste lining the nooks and crannies of your colon. It’s been accumulating for years and it doesn’t have plans on leaving anytime soon.

This accumulated waste is responsible for nearly every illness you get, from flus to the common cold. Your body’s immune system is severely limited as long as that waste is in your colon. The only way to remove the build up is to take a colon cleansing product like Oxy-Powder.

Oxy-Powder uses a unique formula of oxygenated magnesium, germanium and citric acid to soften and lift that deep seated debris. Your body will then be able to gently remove the years of build up that’s been clogging your system. You’ll be left feeling refreshed, clean and healthy, probably for the first time in years. Your colon will even begin breeding good bacteria that can help increase the effectiveness of the digestive system.

Cleaning your colon with Oxy-Powder, increasing your fiber and water intake and routine exercising will substantially lower your chances of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Diabetes, more than any other condition, is so easily affected by diet that it’s one disease that can be severely limited if the majority of people followed 4 easy steps. The 4 simple steps to a healthier life—exercise, eat more fiber, drink more water and routinely clean your colon with a product like Oxy-Powder. It will keep your engine running smooth and allow it to battle any rust spots that show up along the way.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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