Easy Tan: A Host Of Tanning Products Are There To Help You


Even if you are unable to find enough time for sun tanning, you need not worry. A host of artificial tanning products are available today to provide you with desired tan color in comparatively lesser time.

For many of the fashion freaks, tanning has become an order of the day and they have been found to be possessing strong fetish for tan color.

There are various types of tanning products available in the market. You can choose products as per your convenience and comfort. You should also check these products against sensitivity of your skin. Make sure you do not overuse any of these products as they may affect your skin adversely. In fact be on the safer side and stick to the products whose efficacy has been proven in the market.

You can use most of these products on your own. However, there are certain products that are safer for commercial salons only. These different tanning products act differently to give you a tan color. Some of the commonly used tanning products and equipments are as follows:

Tanning Beds: They are high in demand for personal as well as commercial use. Salon tanning beds are a bit more sophisticated than home use tanning beds. Basically these professional beds are free of casting any harmful effect on your skin.

Tanning Sprayers: It is another product in which harmless color is sprinkled on your body to give you tan color. But, this tan doesn’t last for long.

Body Tan Lotions: These lotions could even be used while you are under sun as it is meant to serve two functions. It helps you get sun-tan in lesser time and also in the absence of sun, you get a desired tan. Most of these lotions are based on SPF formula. These lotions protect you from excessive UV exposure.

Pills For Tanning: These pills stimulate melanin producing function of the body as melanin helps attain tan color. However, it’s not a successful product as it may result in severe side effects. Tanning pills are not recommended by FDA.

Face Tanners: These are the tanning creams prepared with highly risk free formulas.

Bronzers: They provide temporary tan color. They are available as gels, powders as well as lotions. They must be applied on skin, free of any cosmetic product.

Apart from above mentioned products, there could be other products like tanning promoters and accelerators. In fact every day, a new product comes on the block to offer you easy tanning. However you must not fall prey to these promises, instead confirm their efficacy before making a purchase.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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