Your Handy Guide To Comparing Treadmill Brands


While comparing brands and models you are needed to probe into all important features of treadmills. Warranty periods offered by various brands must not be overlooked. While doing analysis of varying prices of treadmills you should always keep in your mind your budget and your workout requirements.

With increasing number of treadmill brands, choosing a treadmill for home becomes an ordeal for a good number of folks. Seeing brands of varying quality and features it’s obvious that you get confused over selection of right kind of treadmill for your exercising needs. That’s why before you gear up to buy a treadmill, you are recommended to go for brand comparison. Comparing various treadmill brands would enable you to zoom in on a treadmill that perfectly suits your need.

Treadmill product reviews and even consumer reviews available on various online treadmill guides turn out to be a great help in brand comparison. You can take help of them. While comparing brands and models you are needed to probe into all important features of treadmills. Warranty periods offered by various brands must not be overlooked. While doing analysis of varying prices of treadmills you should always keep in your mind your budget and your workout requirements.

By doing this comparison you also get acquainted with available discounted offers and relative motor efficiency of brands. You can also do comparison of brands by opting for trial exercise. It would enable you know your comfortability against various brands and accordingly you can pick one for yourself.

While doing comparison it’s better you avoid doing comparison of an online treadmill with a store treadmill or a manual treadmill with a motor treadmill. Comparison is always advisable between similar kinds of products. Doing comparison of dissimilar treadmills will never work for you. So its better you figure out your requirements first and then go on doing comparison of treadmills that come within your requirement range.

Icon health and fitness happens to be the pioneer of treadmill production in the world and offers a good number of brands that have already carved a niche in global treadmill market. If you are looking for a quality home treadmill you can compare various Icon brands to find out suitable one for yourself. It’s brands like NordicTrack, Image and Weslo could be compared for the same.

NordicTrack is a superior brand of Icon that offers models with price range in between eight hundred dollars to two thousand and five hundred dollars. These treadmills are best suited for runners. This brand is known for its excellent cushioning that would save you from adverse effect on your hips and muscles. Its most of the brands offer continuous duty horsepower above 2HP that shows efficiency of motor is good.

Image is comparatively less costly brand that could be recommended for starters. Image treadmills are best suited to folks who have less rigorous exercise requirement. Image models usually come around thousand dollars. They also possess 2HP continuous power of motor and have an optimum speed of 10m/ph. But these treadmills come with very little warranty period.

Similarly you can compare other brands such as Weslo, Spirit, Star track, Trimline, Proform and Reebok. The best way to compare these models however is to go through consumer reviews on these models. You can also go through official websites of these brands to acquaint yourself with their features.

So compare treadmills to strike best possible deal with treadmill retailers. Good Luck.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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