Advantages Of Wearing Contact Lenses Are Many


Contact lenses enhance the looks of a person. A wearer can see one’s face without the hindrance of spectacles over the bridge of the nose that shades away the beautiful eyes.

Contact lenses are the rage these days with more and more wearers discovering the comfort and ease of wearing contact lenses. It also enhances the looks of a person as contact lenses are worn on the eyes and can be a fine substitute for a pair of spectacles. Thus one can see ones face without the hindrance of spectacles over the bridge of the nose that shades away the beautiful eyes.

What then are contact lenses? One might wonder. A contact lens is actually a thin piece of plastic or glass that is fitted over the cornea of the eye. Thus it can eliminate the need for spectacles as defects in ones vision can be set right merely by wearing these thin pieces of glass or plastic over the cornea of the eye. Thus contact lenses can be worn easily by people with vision defects like myopia. Hyperopia, astigmatism, and other related problems.

These corrective measures to be worn over the cornea of the eye come in two different types. Contact lenses come with hard or soft lenses. They are defined as soft lenses as these contact lenses are made of soft plastic and are much preferred by the today wearer. They are very comfortable to wear, as they can hold water. Most times soft lenses are disposable lenses as well. Thus the busy wearer of today, who cannot be strapped to a routine of regular lens cleaning in addition to his or her other responsibilities, is rightly suited for wearing soft lenses.

The contact lenses that are made with a glass piece are usually the hard lens variety. These lenses are rigid and gas permeable. Some of these hard lenses may even have a colored tint so that locating these lenses for the wearer becomes easier.

They are also fitted with UV protection in most cases and can be fitted with bifocal lenses as well. The wearer of such a lens is blessed with durability though cleaning these lenses has to be a regular routine.

As these lenses are now made with silicone polymers, they allow oxygen to circulate freely to the cornea. They are meant for regular wear, but extended wear over the night is not recommended. Constant wear can limit the flow of oxygen to the cornea and in some cases can even lead to damage of vision.

By and large, with a little precaution, one can find the contact lens that is ideally suited for ones lifestyle and go about ones work unhindered by the hassle of having to carry a pair of glasses as one of the essential items in ones bag.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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