Detecting Diabetes and Caring For It


One of the best things you can do for your health is to know how to detect diabetes before it becomes an even bigger problem in your life by not taking care of it.

Believe it or not there are quite a few people out there who don’t exactly know what diabetes is. Diabetes is a disorder characterized by hyperglycemia or elevated blood glucose (blood sugar). When the amount of sugar in our blood runs too low or too high it is quite typical for anyone to not feel very well. Diabetes is a term generally used when speaking of a person who has a blood sugar level that is consistently high. Millions of Americans have diabetes; however most of them do not realize it. In the long term diabetes can cause complications concerning the kidneys, eyes, heart, nerves and blood vessels.

There are two types of diabetes; Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes (insulin deficiency) means there is not enough insulin being produced. Type 2 diabetes (insulin resistance) occurs when there is plenty of insulin being produced but cells in our bodies are very resistant to it’s action, which in turn causes your blood sugar to consistently be high.

The most common symptoms of hyperglycemia, otherwise known as diabetes, would be frequently hungry, frequently thirsty and frequently urinating. Apart from those symptoms other symptoms that may occur are fatigue, weight loss, blurred vision, wounds healing more slowly, dry mouth, impotence, dry/itchy skin and recurrent infections.

Even though diabetes may sound like a horrible disease it can be easy to live with. The key to doing that is to take care of yourself. Many people do not take care of themselves because they refuse to admit there is something wrong with them health wise. They won’t even admit it to themselves. So, what happens when they do this? They try to survive without taking medication(s) they need or doing anything in their life to help keep their bodies healthy. Don’t do this. The only thing it can lead to is an unhealthy body, physically and mentally, and possibly depression in the long run.

If you wish to watch your blood sugar, whether you are diabetic or not, there are many things you can do at home. Purchase a blood glucose monitor. This can easily be purchased at your local pharmacy or online. There are websites that will tell you how high and or low your blood glucose level should be, though your blood glucose monitor should come with an instruction manual which supplies this information as well. One of the best things a diabetic can do is exercise and eat properly. Not only does exercise help to keep your body in good condition on the outside but it helps on the inside as well. However, if you are a diabetic do not do anything involving weight training. Studies suggest that this can affect your blood glucose level by increasing it.

If you wish to learn more about diabetes look up the American Diabetes Association online.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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