Surgical breast enhancement uses silicone implants that are restricted by the FDA as implant material in the US. The silicone in the implants may leak and cause asymmetry, visibility, palpability, rupture, deflation, infection, and scarring. Hardening of the silicone capsule may take place and there may be also a decrease in the person\’s sexual arousal due loss of sensation from the artificial implants in the breast.
Natural methods of enhancing the bust are becoming more popular. Natural breast enhancement is a non-surgical procedure of enhancing the mammary glands by improving the diet, lifestyle, general health, and mental constitution of the person. Breasts are in fact fatty tissues enveloped by skin and attempts are made to improve the quality of tissue and skin by natural methods.
Inclusion of a good proportion of vitamins A, C, and E ensures a healthy skin and thus leads to breast enhancement. Even consuming water in generous amount flushes out toxins from the body and improves the condition of tissue. Foods like fennel seeds and saw palmetto manipulate the hormonal balances in the system. They result in the release of more amounts of the female hormone, estrogen, which stimulates the growth of breasts.
These methods are somewhat controversial. Though there are many methods devised to bring about breast enhancement naturally, there is no scientific proof that they work. There are scores of people vouching for the success of various pills, pumps, and creams, but no medical evidence. Even websites on natural breast enhancement avoid direct evidence and resort to anecdotal evidence.