Bald Heads


Over the ages, baldness has been considered a disease. Lately, it has also been followed as a fashion. However, greater numbers of people still feel that a head covered by hair is always more attractive than a bald one.

Every month, hair grows by about 1 inch. Normally, around 85% of the hair on your head is always in the growing phase at any time, and 15% is not. Five years is the maximum amount of time for which hair normally lives. Considering these statistics, it is difficult to understand the causes of hair loss, which might be more apparent in a few of us.

The follicle is a cavity in the skin where the hair sits. In cases of hair loss this follicle shrinks over time, thereby causing shorter and thinner hair. The final result could be a very tiny follicle with no hair in it. Usually the hair grows back, but for people who are already balding, the follicle is unable to grow a new hair.

Peladic is a disease which leads to hair loss. Some people are repelled at the sight of a bald head, and fear going bald themselves. This fear is called peladophobia.

In the dating arena, some women feel very strongly against men with bald heads, and insist that dating a bald guy is almost next to impossible. However, many women do not mind dating a man with a purposely shaved head. It’s almost like dating on the basis of your capability to grow more hair on your head.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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