Natural Cure For Baldness


The search for natural alternatives to treat baldness aims to overcome the sometimes extreme side effects caused by conventional pharmacological measures. Homeopathy can be termed a natural route since it utilizes distillations of organic substances and offers several options. A qualified homoeopath may prescribe anything from fluoric acid, lycopodium, kali carbonicum, kali sulphuricum, natrum mur, phosphorus, selenium and tissue salts, depending on how he diagnoses the condition.

Results from the homoeopathic approach, though pretty slow, have often been quite dramatic. This is not a \’do-it-yourself\’ option because the efficacy of homoeopathic medicine is closely linked with accurate dilution ratios.

Aromatherapy has found favor in certain circles, though not necessarily scientific ones. Proponents of aromatherapy swear by the oils obtained from bay, cedar wood, grapefruit, jojoba, lavender, lemon, rosemary, thyme and Roman chamomile. These, when massaged into the scalp and allowed a certain time for absorption, apparently arrest hair loss and even stimulate renewed growth.

Herbal solutions from the Orient include honey, aloe, arnica, brahmi and mulberries, amongst others. The ancient Indian medical discipline of ayurveda involves massage with and ingestion of various herbal formulations. It goes without saying that these approaches are only of possible benefit if a professional practitioner is involved.

Dietary modification has often been employed in addressing male and female pattern baldness. It involves the ingestion of foods rich in minerals like silica, iron, and calcium such as green vegetables. In the case of females, the accent is often on protein and zinc supplementation.

Finally, acupuncture and acupressure lays claim to some success in reversing hair loss. These disciplines are based on the belief that baldness is directly related to blood purity, the integrity of internal organs and sexual health. There are many practitioners of acupressure and acupuncture in the US who can provide further information.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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