The general guidelines as to what is generally considered Constipation include bowel movement less than three times a week, hard and dry pellet-like stools, straining too much to pass stools, painful bowel movement, feeling of bloated stomach, uneasiness and sluggishness and a feeling of incomplete evacuation.
Most of us get constipated at one time or other due to change of food habits, travel, surgery, pregnancy and other minor G.I. tract disorders.
There is an interesting survey on Constipation.
Ø In America black people suffer from Constipation more than whites.
Ø Constipation is not very common amongst Asians, but increases sharply when they adopt a western diet.
Ø In South Africa, Constipation is more common in white people than in blacks.
The conclusions are that our digestive system has evolved over a long period of time, adapting to particular types of food and other cultural and environmental lifestyles. When these are changed, the system cannot cope with it immediately, and this results in Constipation.
In addition, Constipation is caused by slow movement of the stool in the colon, not enough fiber or liquids in the diet, certain medications, abuse of laxatives and certain specific disorders and diseases like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson\’s disease, stroke or diabetes.
The most important lifestyle correction to be done in the treatment of Constipation, except for those involving serious disorders, will be to have a high-fiber diet with plenty of cereals, fruits and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water, about 1.5 to 2 liters a day. One should also avoid drinks that cause dehydration, such as ones containing caffeine or alcohol. Training the bowel to pass stools at a certain time every day, particularly early in the morning when the stomach is unsettled, is also useful. If medication for another disorder is the problem, change to a different type. Use laxatives only for short periods.
Only a physician should decide the use of enemas, suppositories and other prescription laxatives.