A crucial factor in root canal infections is the role of bacteria. Dr. Price and the Research Institute’s bacteriolotists and other key works isolated the same streptococcus, staphloccus, and spirochete families of organisms from the teeth and mouth as investigators find today.
This article is part of Dr. George Meinig’s, DDS, FACD, research information of the extensive and investigative research of Dr. Weston Price’s,DDS,FACD, research work.
Although any one of these organisms could be causative of oral infections people suffer, they found that over 90 percent of the time the bacteria involved were of the streptococcus species. It will surprise you to learn that when a dentist cuts only the enamel of a tooth, no pain is involved unless the tooth becomes overheated by a fast moving drill or diamond stone. Once the dentin just under the enamel is contacted, however, most people experience discomfort. While it was previously believed there are no nerve fibers in dentin, electron-microscope studies of the dentin tubules now show they do contain very fine nerve fibers. The dentin isn’t as hard as enamel because it is composed of tiny hollow tubules, so small they can be seen only through a microscope. These dentin tubules have a number of characteristics and functions which are very important to our understanding the process of tooth infection.
The tubules contain a fluid, and this fluid carries nutrients and other matter needed to keep teeth Healthy.
To accomplish its tasks, the fluid movement in the dentin flows through all of the dentin to, and even through, the enamel; the hard enamel substance is porous enough to permit such movement.
It is this fluid which nourishes all parts of teeth and is responsible for sustaining their life.
When a person eats SUGAR, the fluid flow in the dentin tubules from the pulp outward is actually reversed. By now many of scientists have documented this interesting phenomenon.
In recent years, Dr. Ralph R. Steinman, Professor Emeritus from the Loma Linda University Dental School, found in studies of rats that the flow reversed when injected glucose (sugar) under the skin of their abdomens.
He also introduced sugar directly into their stomachs through the use of a stomach tube and has the same result. This showed that, contrary to popular belief, sugar doesn’t have to touch teeth at all for its presence to result in a severe amount of tooth decay.
These investigations clearly demonstrate that the reversal of fluid flow in the dentin tubules could be created by DETRIMENTAL NUTRITIONAL CHANGES which in turn, would be responsible for servere systemic changes to the bodies of humans and animals.