Basic Reiki


This is a very simplified primer on basic Reiki. It’s intended as a basic lesson to help someone get started channeling the energy and in no way should be considered a Reiki Course in itself.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese phrase which means “Universal Energy”. Its history is enshrouded in myth, legend and parable, but the simple fact is, it works. Reiki is simply the process of channeling Universal Energy through oneself and into some one (or something) else. The vast range of uses for Reiki range from healing oneself to opening and balancing the Chakras and even charging objects and food with the energy.

Getting Started

Reiki is safe and simple to use. To get started simply sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Put on the music of your choice and relax. Place your hands over your face with your palms over your eyes. Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue just behind your front teeth.

As you inhale just open up and feel the energy flow down through the top of your head and down to your heart chakra, then feel it flow out along your arms and out through your hands and into your face. At the simplest level that ALL you have to do. The energy will go wherever it’s needed and do whatever is required of it. You don’t have to send it anywhere in particular or try to control it.

Getting Deeper

Reiki flows through you simply by your ‘intent’. You just have to intend to open up to it and you’ll find it readily available. You may feel many different things while giving yourself a Reiki treatment. Your hands or the part of your body covered by your hands may get hot, cold or tingly. Some people feel it very easily and others take awhile to open up to it. The simplest explanation that I’ve found is to think of what the emotion ‘Love’ feels like, and then just relax and let it flow.

I always advise everyone to study Reiki. Any energy worker, massage therapist, healer, martial artist or metaphysician can greatly benefit from Reiki, and there are many FREE Reiki classes and sources of training available, as many of us try to make it as easily accessible as possible to anyone who wants it.

I’ll soon be publishing a comprehensive Reiki course, including the symbols and hand positions, to the web as a PDF file that anyone can download and study, as well as a list of Reiki Master willing to do free attunements.

I hope this simple exercise helps some of you who’ve been interested in Reiki, but just haven’t made the leap into studying it yet.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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