Claims You Can Quit Smoking

Claims You Can Quit Smoking

Independent survey results substantiates laser treatment completely removes the physical withdrawal symptoms

Cleveland Ohio. Most smokers will tell you they could quit smoking, overcoming the habits associated with cigarettes, if the physical cravings were removed. The constant nagging of the physical addiction overrides the best of intentions among many smokers who truly want to quit.

Nicotine replacement therapies, antidepressants, hypnotherapy and cold turkey methods have helped some smokers kick the habit. The fail rate is higher than the success rate of these therapies, leaving many a smoker with the heavy feeling of defeat.

Advanced Laser Solutions, located in Garfield Heights Ohio, offers a 20-minute treatment that claims to remove the physical cravings of the cigarette. To a smoker, this claim may sound too good to be true.

Low-level Laser therapy has been safely used with great success in Canada and in Europe for over thirty years. In May of 2003, an Institutional Review Board (IRB) authorized investigational clinical trials using low-level laser therapy in compliance with FDA regulations in the United States. The FDA has already ruled low-level laser therapy as a “non-significant risk” and the US investigational trials are being funded through patient participation.

“After my mother, a smoker for most of her adult life, received this treatment in Canada and successfully quit smoking, I knew this was a viable treatment that could actually change a person’s life,” says co-owner of Advanced Laser Solutions, Tony Latina. Tony went on to become a Certified Laser Technician (CLT). Peggy Schmidt, LSW, LPCC, CCDC, a Licensed Addictions Counselor joined Tony and together they have opened the first Ohio office.

Tony and Peggy are dedicated to helping those that smoke and want to quit, finally succeed. They offer a full program addressing both the physical and mental addiction to nicotine.

As part of their overall commitment to the effectiveness of the treatment and the client’s perception of the treatment, they contracted with an independent survey company, Quality Care Options, LLC (877-620-6448) QCO

The following questions were asked within the confidential survey:

  • The Laser Treatment removed the physical craving for tobacco – 100% said Yes
  • My questions about the procedure were answered satisfactorily – 100% said Yes
  • I feel the ongoing support and ability to receive reinforcement treatments have been of value to me – 100% said yes
  • I believe this treatment lived up to its promises – 100% said Yes
  • I now consider myself a Non-Smoker – 90% said Yes 7% said Unsure 3% said No

Advanced Laser Solutions received Certification as a Senior Approved Service and is included within an exclusive network of services recommended to seniors, family members, health care professionals and employers. Advanced Laser Solutions far surpassed the required 90% customer satisfaction rating. Senior Approved Services

Is becoming a non-smoker your New Year’s Resolution? To help answer questions and ease your concerns about the laser therapy, Advanced Laser Solutions is hosting a free one-hour seminar on Monday December the 27th. Seating is limited and RSVP’s are required. Phone 216-663-0766 by December the 23rd.

Advanced Laser Solutions is located at 5246 E. 98th Street, Suite 2, Garfield Heights Ohio and serves the tri-state area as the first and only center offering low-level laser therapy. Telephone: 216-663-0766
Web: Advanced Laser Solutions

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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