How to Eat Right for a More Comfortable Menopause


Menopause is a natural process that alters the balance of Yin and Yang. After menopause many women discover (and may be disturbed by) the more yang (energetic, aggressive) side of themselves. As men grow older, they tend to discover their yin (passive, yielding) side.

Many people don’t realize how powerful Oriental Medicine treatments can be for women’s health conditions. In fact, gynecological problems have been treated with acupuncture for over 2000 years, and for 5000 years with herbal medicine.

Oriental Medicine holds that mind and body are one, and considers the whole woman and her experience of life in diagnosis. These life experiences (especially when out of balance and not dealt with properly) can manifest as disease in the body, and especially as gynecological problems in women.

Interestingly, TCM considers all premenstrual and perimenopausal symptoms to be signs of ill-health. The biggest factors in determining your comfort through this time will be the dietary and emotional health you have maintained throughout your adulthood. Even if you haven’t lived perfectly, there’s still hope! Acupuncture and herbs can eliminate your discomfort and restore internal balance.

So make an appointment to get treated with acupuncture and herbs! In the meantime, try out some of these dietary suggestions:

Cut back on your sugar intake.
Take a break from coffee, chocolate, colas (tough for a lot of people, but think about feeling better!)
Eat more tryptophan-rich foods such as turkey, bananas, figs, whole grain crackers, figs, and dates.
Eat more foods rich in phyto-estrogens and progesterones: soy flours and beans, red clover sprouts, yams, and linseed.
Eat more foods with high indoles: for example, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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