Would you like a trimmer body, better weight control, and better overall health? And of course you’d like all these benefits without too much effort! Then walking for exercise may be just for you.
There is a good chance that walking is one exercise activity you’ll stick to. The dropout rate for walking is much lower than most other exercise activities, That’s because it’s convenient, it’s easy, and it’s a low injury sport that burns big calories while conditioning the heart, lungs, and muscles.
Starting any kind of exercise can be done almost effortlessly by starting slowly and doing a little at a time. Here are some suggestions to get you started walking more with little effort:
- On your coffee break take a ten minute walk instead of having another cup of coffee and a doughnut. It will help relax you while saving calories and money.
- If you have the option of using the stairs or an elevator, try using the stairs for a few floors. Down is easier so try that first and then try up.
- If you take the bus to or from work get off one stop early and walk the extra distance. If you use your car, park farther away from your destination and walk.This kind of activity can help you to increase your walking a little at a time. After you are comfortable with a slight increase in your amount of walking, or if you want to get right into an exercise walking program, you can start very simply. The only equipment you need is a good pair of walking shoes. The shoes you get should be designed specifically for walking, not for tennis or running or basketball or aerobics. They should be comfortable, well fitting, well cushioned shoes with good heel control and arch support.
In order to gain maximum benefits from a walking program you should follow a few simple rules:
- Check with your doctor to make sure there aren’t any medical reasons that might prevent you from exercising safely.
- Walk at a brisk enough pace to get your heart rate up to at least 120 beats per minute.
- Walk for at least 30 minutes each time
- Try to walk 3 to 5 times per week
One of the best ways to insure that you keep doing an activity such as walking is to do it with others. If you are going to walk near your home get a friend, your spouse, or another family member to start exercising with you. At work you can walk with a friend that works in the area, or a coworker or group of coworkers. You can walk before or after work, or during your lunch period. You may even consider joining a walking club in order to meet new people.
Online fitness coach Tom Manfredi is the creator of the site fitness-after-50.com [http://www.fitness-after-50.com/]. He has a master’s degree in exercise physiology and has taught courses in fitness, anatomy, and physiology at the college level. He also has over 20 years of practical exercise experience as a fitness coach, long distance runner, triathlete, and martial arts instructor.
This site is designed with the mature adult in mind. Learn more by going to fitness-after-50.com [http://www.fitness-after-50.com/]