One Would Think That We Would Be Safer In The Comfort Of Our Own Home!

One Would Think That We Would Be Safer In The Comfort Of Our Own Home!

Have you ever given any thought to the fact that you might be causing more harm than good while using your consumable products? I know that we have used household cleaners and personal care products for decades,One Would Think That We Would Be Safer In The Comfort Of Our Own Home! Articles so why am I bringing this issue up now? If we do not educate ourselves on this topic, then in the end, we have no one else to blame but ourselves.

The plain and simple truth is that manufacturing companies spend millions of dollars on advertising their products every year. We are blasted on a daily basis with commercials and ads regarding our consumable products. For the most part, we also believe that if we want to have cleaner houses and look our personal best, then we NEED to have, buy, and use these types of products.

Have you ever taken the time to research exactly what you are either inhaling or absorbing through your skin whenever you use these products? The sad fact is that the majority of us have never given that point any thought. Why, because we do not know that there is any serious health risks associated with the vast majority of these products. We have never been told through these ads or commercials that the chemicals and toxins used in making these products can be potentially dangerous to our health.

Manufacturers are only mandated or required to list the potential concerns associated with their particular product, such as: use caution, wear protective gloves, use safety glasses, may be corrosive, or whether the product is classified as poison etc. Only 1 percent of TOXINS are required to be listed on labels. According to the National Research Council, “no toxic information is available for more than 80% of the chemicals in everyday-use products. Less than 20% have been tested for acute effects and less than 10% have been tested for chronic, reproductive or mutagenic effects.” A more alarming issue revolves around our personal care products. Back in 1989, a House Senate Subcommittee asked the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health to analyze 2,093 chemicals used in personal care products. There results were as follows: 884 of the ingredients were found to be toxic. Of these, 778 can cause acute toxicity, 146 can cause tumors, 218 can cause reproductive complications, 314 can cause biological mutations, and 376 can cause skin and eye irritations.

Now, I will say that there are several factors to consider while determining whether or not a toxin actually causes harm in any particular situation, such as: potency, the rate of exposure; the dosage, and individual sensitivity. We all are very aware of the irritations to our skin, eyes and throats, when using some of these products, but are you aware that those irritations may just be the tip of the iceberg? Toxins are known to cause a variety of harms and health issues. The EPA has acknowledged that the air inside our homes is 3 to 70 times more polluted than the air outside our homes. The EPA has also acknowledged that toxic chemicals in household cleaners are 3 times more likely to cause cancer than outside pollutants. What are some of the other risks involved with using these types of products? Cancers, anemia, leukemia, liver, lung and kidney problems, learning and developmental issues, reproductive issues, and death are just some of the health issues associated with these toxins. Now it appears that more doctors and scientist are discovering that there may be more correlation between the usage of household chemicals and the increase in chronic illnesses, especially involving children. Such illnesses such as cancer, ADD, and asthma have been on a steady increase over the past few decades among our children.

Now you may be wondering what a toxin is, and a toxin can be defined as harmful chemicals or substances that occur in nature and or are manufactured. You also may be wondering what toxins are commonly found in our homes. Listed below are some of the toxins most commonly found in our homes, just to name a few.

Ammonia, benzene, chlorine bleach, chlorpyrifos, chloroform, deet, dioxins, formaldehyde, methylene chloride, naphthalene, perchloroethylene, pesticides, phosphates, phthalates, solvents and volatile organic compounds.

What will it take to get the American people concerned more about their health and the health of their loved ones? What will it take to get us to recognize that we are allowing hazardous chemicals into our households every time we bring major brands of household cleaners into our homes? What will it take to get people to want to further educate themselves on this particular subject? You tell me! Better yet, I will tell you. Chances are that, until something happens either directly to us, to our family members, or to our friends, we will more than likely let this issue go without further ado. The choice to research this matter more rest solely upon your shoulders. There are numerous sites that are dedicated to discussing the issues of household chemicals and the health risks that are associated with using these products. There are products, some of which are home remedies, and others that can be purchased, that are designed to be safer on the environment and safer for and on us as consumers. The fact of the matter is that we use these types of products on a daily basis, and no matter what, we will continue to purchase these products for our use. I know and understand that we cannot eliminate all of the chemicals and toxins in our homes, but we CAN REDUCE THE AMOUNTS OF TOXINS THAT WE ALLOW INTO OUR HOMES! I personally have switched my household cleaners and personal care products over to more natural products, and I can tell you that I absolutely love the products. I love the fact that I do not have to wear gloves or glasses or need to ventilate my home when I clean, and I love the fact that my family is using products that are designed to be safer and non toxic. I can also testify to the fact that the household cleaners work just as good as the major brands, if not better.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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