The Biggest Boost for Overall Health and Wellbeing … Ever!

The Biggest Boost for Overall Health and Wellbeing ... Ever!

This article is going to tell you how you can…

* Improve the quality of your life.
* Increase your energy levels.
* Protect yourself against viruses,
flu’s and colds.
* Reduce the likelihood of getting
* Reduce the possibility of a heart
attack or stroke!
* Slow down your aging.

There are three positive steps that you must take to achieve these things. One is to examine your lifestyle,"The Biggest Boost for Overall Health and Wellbeing ... Ever!" Articles another is your diet and the third is to implement a professional supplementation regime. I won’t address
lifestyle and diet at the moment as I have already touched on this in our special report on weight loss.

I would suggest you read it even if you are not overweight. You can get it for free from the special reports page on our website at …

What I will do is examine the issue of supplementation! This is a much more important subject than most people realize. If you do not supplement, then you can almost guarantee that your body is deficient in certain nutrients. The only people who are exempt from this statement are those who may be living in an area with pure air, grow their own organic vegetables and fruit in good quality soil uncontaminated by pesticides and herbicides, raise their own livestock on grass, get plenty of sleep and are
free from stress! (Not many people around in this position)

You can get all your nutrients from fruit and vegetables … nonsense!

OK, I know that
some ‘authorities’ say that you can get
all your essential nutrients from 5 or 6 servings a day of fruit and vegetables. This is nonsense, because this is not possible for most people even if they do eat that many servings. The so called ‘fresh’ foods that you buy at the supermarket today only
contain a fraction of the nutrients they once did.

This is due to mass production farming practices, storage protocols, picking before being ripe and so on. Read the newsletter I wrote back on the 21st August 2001. The facts will shock you! You can find this article by going to the newsletter page on the website and looking under the archives. A free subscription to our newsletter, Xtend-Your-Life, is
available at …

You may ask yourself, why do the ‘authorities’ suggest that you can get all the nutrients that you need from the food that you eat if this is not true? I certainly ask myself this
question! I keep coming back to the same answer… many of the ‘sources’ from where some of these ‘authorities’ draw their information have a vested interest in the ‘health care business’
which is a misnomer for the ‘sick’ business!

Did you know that there are more people employed in the cancer industry than those who actually have cancer? Pretty sad, given that the greatest majority of cancer is avoidable!

Why are there more sick people today?

If these ‘authorities’ assertions were correct then how
come there are more sick people in the ‘civilized’ world today
than there was a 100 years ago? Oh, you may answer, this is because people live longer! True… and false… because they don’t live much longer even though the statistics say so. But, these statistics are a gross distortion.

They are distorted because they are based on averages and the average life expectancy many decades ago was artificially low due to high infant mortality rates that don’t apply any more. I devoted an issue on this subject back on the 2nd April of last year. Have a look at it and you will see what I mean.

Just reflect on this for a moment! Ask your parents or your grandparents what age their parents, grandparents and great grandparents died? You may be surprised that they lived longer than what you may have thought, and they did so without the help of pharmaceutical drugs, without hospitals and suffered less from
‘elderly’ diseases such as Alzheimer’s that are so common today.

This is because they were not subject to the environmental hazards that we are all faced with today and further, their food was wholesome and didn’t come out of a packet full of
empty calories.

Because of modern living we have no choice, whether we like it or not but to supplement if we seriously wish to avoid the diseases that are rampant in our community and are projected to get a lot worse. Therefore, if you are like the majority of people and consider supplementation as a desirable but low priority I sincerely believe that you should reconsider your priorities.

The reason why most people do not supplement is either they don’t believe in it (in which case they are deluding themselves) or, they have more ‘important’ things on which to
spend their money. But… are they saving money when they apply
money which they could allocate to their supplementation program
to perhaps a bigger house mortgage or a new car?

Ironically no, because if you ignore your biggest asset… YOU… and your subsequent earning ability is affected through ill health then what you would have spent in quality
supplementation pales in significance. Quality supplementation is the cheapest self insurance program you can implement.

Hopefully, I have made my point on the principles behind

I urge you to consider a professional
health supplement that uses only the
best ingredients … and in the
correct ratios and quantities.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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