Read the original article When you train to much you simply won’t grow from it period!This simply means you can not resolve overtraining by increasing your sleep. Which ultimately means you have to cut back on your workout, or even take time out from working out for about two weeks.You have to realize when your not working for two weeks your body will still grow for a period up to a week.
But now your still asking yourself how is this possible. Well think of it as this you’ve been working out for 8 to 12 weeks straight with maybe one or two days off of a week.That still is not enough time for the whole body to grow.So for that first week your body is still healing itself and catching up to the intense workout you have done, and will actually see yourself getting bigger.
Now I’m not saying to go cheat on your diet but you can also cut back on your protein and carbs because your not going to be using the excess carbs for energy.Into your second gradually add push ups, pull ups, and body squats to your workout. This way when you start working out again your body will be primed.Here is a little workout for this.
Do these workout routines three time a week:
Two sets of push ups 25 reps each
Two sets of pull ups 15 reps each
Two sets of body squats 20 reps each
And do a lot of stretching which will reduce the risk of overtraining.