Weight loss tips, tricks, and tactics – Part 2

Weight loss tips, tricks, and tactics - Part 2

I personal lost 60 pounds in 2003. Here are some tactics I used to lose the weight.

Get out and do some type of short cardiovascular exercise before breakfast. Even if it is only a ten minute walk. If you want to lose weight this is the best time to exercise. Your body has been working all night without any “new” fuel to help it out. By exercising before breakfast your body will be more likely to go after the fat for energy.

During your morning exercise,Weight loss tips, tricks, and tactics - Part 2 Articles imagine yourself with the body you are trying to achieve and come up with a saying that helps motivate you. When I would run in the morning I would say, “every day and every way I am getting leaner, fitter, healthier.” I would repeat it over and over.

Eat meats that are 85% lean.

Do not “count” your dailies activities as “exercise”. If you are active at work or playing golf everyday, that’s great. However, your body is use to that. Walking the dog is walking the dog, that is not exercise unless you are running or walking very fast.

Avoid white flour and bleach grains. Try whole-wheat noodles in your spaghetti. It freaked my kids out at first, but now they love it.

Take an antioxidant supplement every day. Most people are just not getting what they need through food.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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