A Refreshing Pina Colada for your Face

A Refreshing Pina Colada for your Face

Pina Coladas remain a favorite at popular beach vacation spots.
Imagine your skin taking a refreshing sip of this popular drink!
I’m referring to the non-alcoholic version,A Refreshing Pina Colada for your Face Articles of course. Rich,
creamy coconut milk and exhilarating pineapple make the pina
colada a tasty treat as well as a wonderful facial mask.

Pina Colada Mask

1 TBS Coconut Milk
2 TBS Honey
1 TBS mashed Pineapple
1 TBS of Plain Yogurt

Mix all ingredients together. Apply to your clean skin and
leave on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water
to close your pores. You may not need to add a moisturizer after
your mask, since the coconut milk contains plenty of oil.

Coconut milk contains natural emollients which help to
moisturize the skin, helping to prevent it from wrinkling. The
oil in coconut milk locks in moisture and softens the skin.

Honey is an excellent treatment for the skin and is used
frequently in skincare products. It contains antibacterial and
anti-inflammatory properties which can effectively help treat
minor cuts, abrasions, and burns.

Pineapple contains a protein-digestive enzyme called bromelain
which helps rid the skin of dead cells and dirt. The tingling
action that is felt when this facial mask is applied is the
enzymes in the pineapple working.

Yogurt helps to cleanse the skin with the exfoliating
properties of lactic acid it contains. Lactic Acid is a mild
alpha-hydroxy acid and can help balance your skin’s acidity.

This mask recipe can also become a tasty smoothie. You will
need to adjust the recipe to make a delicious pina colada

Pina Colada Smoothie

½ cup Coconut milk
½ cup pineapples
2 TBS honey
¼ cup yogurt
6 ice cubes

Blend all ingredients in your blender and drink.

Now there is one more reason to enjoy a pina colada!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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