Five things you can do to prevent ANTHRAX, naturally


Written for An Ounce of Prevention,Five things you can do to prevent ANTHRAX, naturally Articles the newsletter of the Apple-A-Day Service Group, an international organization of naturopathic practitioners based out of Austin, Texas.At Apple-A-Day Clinic we are receiving many calls from people concerned about Anthrax and other terrorist-initiated diseases. >From the news, we learn that people are so frightened that they are taking antibiotics that cause dangerous side effects even though they have no known reason to do so. Antibiotics are known to weaken the immune system and cause digestive problems. Taking one as a knee-jerk reaction for “prevention” could actually weaken your body¹s defenses for the future.

>From this tumultuous environment comes this newsletter with the desire that this information brings it¹s ounce of prevention with viable solutions and peace of mind. Here we will share with you what we at the Apple-A-Day Clinic are doing for people who want to protect themselves from susceptibility to Anthrax and other instruments of biological warfare. A simple supplement protocol can help provide an effective defense and help improve your health during this time of specific concern.

1. GARLICThe Garlic Information Center in England has announced that deadly ANTHRAX is most susceptible to GARLIC!Garlic is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that even blocks toxin production by disease organisms [Journal of Nutrition, 3/2001]. This is particularly important regarding ANTHRAX because it¹s the metabolic toxins produced by anthrax that kills people, not the anthrax bacterium itself.

In the featured test-study, garlic was found to be a more potent antibiotic than many of the drugs used to treat anthrax including penicillin, doxycycline, streptomycin, ampicillin, and cephalexin. Further, garlic was found to be effective against multiple strains of E. coli, Staph and other pathogenic bacteria. [Fitoterapia, Vol. 5, 1984]. Fresh cloves of garlic and garlic powder may be beneficial, but the most beneficial garlic is a prepared, concentrated garlic that can deliver a high potency of it¹s antibiotic components especially the highly-researched compound “allicin.” [Warning: if the garlic has been irradiated by the commercial spice manufacturer as a food-preservation method, then it is useless in its antibiotic capacity. Do not rely on the garlic powder in your spice rack.]

The antibiotic activity of one milligram of allicin, the active ingredient in garlic, equals 15 units of penicillin. [Koch and Lawson, Garlic: The Science and Therapeutic Application, 2nd ed., Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore 1996], and doesn¹t have the side effects of destroying the body¹s beneficial intestinal flora. This makes fresh garlic and its extracts and concentrates a premier antibiotic.Garlic capsules that certify their allicin content are preferred. You can calculate the milligrams to know the impact of your dose — calculate ten milligrams of allicin to be equivalent to apx. 150 units of penicillin.

The Apple-A-Day program uses a high-potency, odorless, supplement of garlic grown in the high mountain valleys of California and Oregon, processed by a proprietary quick, cool dry method to preserve the full range of anti-microbial properties of Allicin, Aliin, Thiolsulfanates, and Gamma and Glutamyl Cysteines as well as the total sulfur compounds that also play a role in preventing and overcoming Anthrax. This garlic formula comprises one fifth of the anti-anthrax protocol.

2. SULFUR-BEARING ANTIOXIDANTSThe ANTHRAX bacterium’s toxicity emanates from its metabolic by-products that kills the human immune system¹s macrophage cells which are vital to engulfing and eliminating bacteria.

Studies have shown that SULFUR-BEARING ANTIOXIDANTS (alpha lipoic acid, N-acetyl cysteine, taurine) and VITAMIN C, which elevate levels of L-glutathione, a natural antioxidant within the body, counters the toxicity produced by anthrax. [Molecular Medicine, 11/94; Immunopharmacology, 1/00; Applied Environmental Microbiology, 5/79].

Thus, the sulfur compounds in garlic are particularly helpful. Additionally, the Apple-A-Day protocol includes a supplemental anti-oxidant that provides and assists L-glutathion availability in the body. This supplement also provides additional Vitamin C in the mineral ascorbate form… the preferred form for anti-bacterial issues as opposed to the ascorbic acid form. This anti-oxidant one part of the anti-anthrax protocol.

3. MELATONINMelatonin, an anti-aging, a sleep-inducing, longevity hormone supplement has been shown to help neutralize the lethal toxins from ANTHRAX exposure [Cell Biology Toxicology, Vol. 16, 2000]. It can be taken at bedtime in doses ranging from 10-15 mg. Melatonin boosts L-glutathione levels during sleep thus providing additional support to removing the by-products of pathogenic organisms including anthrax.

In the Apple-A-Day protocol, a dose that promotes restful sleep without any residual drowsiness on awakening is the preferred dosage, usually 1 capsule before bed. Melatonin is one part of the anti-anthrax protocol.

4. METAL-BINDING CHELATORS (IP6)Virtually all bacteria, viruses and fungi depend upon excessive iron compounds as a growth factor. [Iron & Your Health, T.F. Emery, CRC Press, 1991] Iron-chelating (removing) drugs and antibiotics (Adriamycin, Vancomycin) are medically effective against pathogens through their iron-removing action. Diseases such as the Plague (Yersinia pestis), Botulism, SMALLPOX and ANTRAX c ould all be potentially treated with non-prescription metal-binding chelators that include a wide range of supplement options including alginates, chlorella, and silymarin as well as through amino acids such as dl-methionine.Phytic acid (IP6), derived as an extract from rice bran, is the most potent natural iron and heavy metal chelator and has strong antibiotic and antioxidant action. [Free Radical Biology Medicine, Vol. 8, 1990; Journal Biological Chemistry, 8/25/87]. IP6 greatly increases the immune system¹s natural killer cell activity and boosts the body¹s natural cellular defenses by increasing the levels of inositol phosphates in the cells. IP6 has been found to have similarly effective heavy metal-chelating properties as the germ-killing, tumor reducing drug desferrioxamine [Biochemistry Journal, 9/15/93]. Note: IP6 rice bran extract should be taken in between meals with filtered or bottled water only (no juice). IP6 in capsule form is used in the Apple-A-Day protocol for people seeking Anthrax preventative measures.

5. WILD OREGANO OILThe antibacterial, antiseptic action of wild oregano oil has been described in recent medical literature and may be helpful in fighting biological toxins. [Journal Applied Microbiology, Vol. 88, 2000]. A potent natural antibiotic, more powerful than many prescription antibiotics, is oil of wild oregano.One study showed that wild oregano oil completely inhibited the growth of 25 pathogenic organisms such as Staph aureas, E-coli, Yersinia ent., and Pseudomonas aer. [Journal Food Protection, 7/01] Oregano oil has been shown to be effective in eradicating intestinal parasites in humans. [Phytotherapy Research, 5/00] and is effective in eliminating the yeast/fungus candida albicans.Wild Oregano, which is quite different than the variety on most kitchen spice racks, has over 50 antibacterial compounds. Just one drop of wild oregano oil in a 4000 dilution potency effectively sterilizes contaminated water. [London Times, 5/8/01].Thus, Oregano Oil capsules is used in the Apple-A-Day Anti-Anthrax Protocol as it helps clean up the internal terrain by ridding the body of organisms that occupy the immune system¹s attention.

The Apple-A-Day Protocol includes

1) concentrated garlic,

2) sulfur-bearing anti-oxidants,

3) Melatonin,

4) IP6 (heavy metal chelator, anti-microbial,

and 5) Wild Oregano Oil. With such a program, people can improve their nutritional health while assisting their inherent immune system¹s vigilance regarding the threat of biological warfare agents.

Homeopathic medicines also provide a viable prevention and, from the world-wide literature, viable treatment of anthrax. However these “remedies” are best used under the guidance of a trained homeopathic practitioner. There is a time to utilize homeopathic remedies both preventatively and acutely. The best time for homeopathic treatment is IF there is an immediate concern or known possibility of exposure, rather than an injudicious “blanket” approach. The homeopathic attenuation of Anthraxinum can be used by people with possible exposure to help their body¹s immediate response.

For more information on the Apple-A-Day anthrax protocol: Users Click Here Now

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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