Getting in shape is a process- a never ending one. For example, you can exercise and get in good shape- and then, if you stop, for even a little while- a week or so, you get OUT of shape quite quickly. Therefore, you need to have a plan- one that EVOLVES- so that you can stay in shape forever. Changing your ideas is essential because one of the main enemies of being in shape is BOREDOM. So, keeping an open mind and keeping your exercise interesting is quite crucial.
An exercise plan should include all aspects of one’s conditioning – which means, strength, aerobic, and flexibility training. These are the broadest categories to work on. A good example of aerobic exercise would be jogging or jump rope training. In addition, a sport- a hobby, such as tennis, can often serve as an excellent way to get aerobic exercise. That idea is key- one’s favorite hobby- tennis, racquetball, squash- any of these can be of great use in one’s overall aerobic condition. They also help one’s flexibility.
For total strength training- one should do pushups and also either full weight training or just use dumbbells. The use of pushups is great – there is nothing better for you. Start out easy- 5-10 pushups. Then add one per day until you can do 50 or more good pushups. With dumbbells, use as much as 25 pounds for overhead lifts and curls- but always start out EASY (lighter weights) if you are out of shape.
For total flexibility, do the following: cheerleader kicks (raising the leg- 10 times per leg); rotate the neck- very slowly in each direction; look from side to side also; arm rotations- extend each arm out while standing (arms to the side at shoulder level) – then rotate the arms- 10 times in one direction- then reverse; finally, raise arms above your head- clasp hands- then bend to one side, then the other- go back and forth ten times per side. This is just a very brief outline to start you on your way for flexibility- there is much more to do of course.
You should try to do a little of each of the above- every day- some pushups, some jogging- or walking- and some stretching, as outlined above. And, you may want to consider playing tennis or some other active sport- as an adjunct to your exercise routine. Also, it’s a lot of fun- which is very important anyway.
For those who are already in good to very good shape- and are looking for something new do this: each day of the week, for the next few weeks, do something totally different every day. Monday, only run; Tuesday, only do strength training; Wednesday- only do stretching- yoga would be great- if you don’t know yoga, try to learn it- a few positions would be fine (such as the camel, the plough, the cobra); Thursday only play tennis; Friday- only lift weights or dumbbells; Saturday, only do running; Sunday, only do walking- several miles. This way, you are in a totally varied mode. Then, after a few weeks, go back to a plan where you do a little of each per day- some yoga or stretching plus some running plus a little strength (like pushups)- every day.
If you couple the ideas mentioned above with a good eating plan- six meals per day (three main meals plus three light high protein snacks) you will get into excellent shape. Remember- it’s a lifelong quest- a process- there is no endpoint! You will just arrive at a point- quite quickly- where you feel very good all of the time. And that my friends is quite a good goal- one that never ends, but feels good, all along the way!
Dean Weber is the founder of [], a fitness and health club with an accent on karate on other centuries old techniques. At, there are some excellent GUIDES for anyone to access to help them get into excellent shape- lose weight, and get fit. The GUIDES proved a way, in an easy to follow manner, for anyone to get healthy.