Not so long ago, on advice from a naturopath, I tried a low GI muesli with almond milk for breakfast. Supposedly healthy right? For the next few hours I felt like I was fighting to stop from drowning. My emotions dived to their darkest depths they had in many years. Had I not been aware of what I was normally like in the morning (when not having cereal for breakfast) I would have been ready to crawl into bed to hide for days, or worse… Thankfully the feeling passed by midday and I was back to my normal self.
When I have cereal for breakfast it makes me depressed. How come the Doctor doesn’t know to tell me that? I haven’t had cereal for breakfast for over 6 years. Not porridge, not low GI muesli, not flakes, biscuits or bubbles. Only 3 generations ago there was no such thing as a breakfast cereal but now most people can’t imagine what you would have for breakfast if you couldn’t have something in a bowl with a white liquid on it.
I am not suggesting that everyone skips cereal for breakfast (although I could probably justify it). The important thing is to find out what works for you. Some people do better starting the day with protein, some with carbohydrates. Try something different for a few days and see if your depression lifts.
You may notice the difference immediately and never want to go back. Make a note to check in with yourself through out the morning. Make an appointment in your calendar or set the alarm on your watch to remind you to see how your doing. Also, ask people who you spend time with in the morning to notice if you seem different as well.
So what can you eat instead of cereal for breakfast? Many cultures around the world do not have cereal for breakfast. Instead they have something to eat that would eat at any other time of the day. For example, left overs from the night before, baked beans, steamed broccoli, tuna salad, tofu and leafy greens, even an omelette that includes vegetables. And no, two pieces of raison toast or a blueberry muffin are not good substitutes. We’re aiming for good protein sources.
What about asking friends for ideas? Do you know anyone from non-western backgrounds? If so, ask them what they have for breakfast – many cultures around the world don’t have breakfast out of a box so there must be answers out there.
But what about the time it takes to prepare something other than cereal for breakfast? For the 9-5 lifestyle, being able to throw something in a bowl put white liquid on it and then bolt out the door saves time in the mornings. My question is: How important is your health to you? OK I’ll stop preaching from on high. Time is a consideration in the mornings and I imagine that having to come up for something for children as well only adds to the pressure. What about a large pan of scrambled eggs, a saucepan of beans, or a large salad with left over sausages?
What about the additional cost? Cereal is cheap but you get what you pay for. Are you currently paying for depression medication? If you can reduce or eliminate your medication by changing what you eat for breakfast then you will have freed up some money to buy quality food instead.
If you have a protein breakfast, what about calcium from milk? So, the dairy industry has you convinced that you can’t get enough calcium from other sources, eh? If you want to try the experiment of not having cereal for breakfast for a few days, have it for you last meal of the day instead. I know it might feel like your back in college and have nothing else to eat but if you do well with higher protein in the mornings you will probably also do well with higher carbs at night. Try it and see – the kids will love the novelty.
Remember, its about finding out what works for you. We all have different metabolic types that require different ratios of proteins and carbohydrates at different times of the day. By varying our diet and noticing the difference in how we feel we can work out what is just right for each of us.
Rod Sherwin is an EFT Practitioner and runs Tap4Health [] in Melbourne, Australia. Rod has over 8 years of studying advanced health technologies such as Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT), Metabolic Typing, and NLP. He has worked with Anthony Robbins in a leadership capacity all over the world and enjoys building the fires that people walk on to transform fear into power. See how Rod can help you at Tap4Health [].