Multi Vitamins or Single Doses?


For many years, consumers have been influenced via media advertising to believe that the perfect multivitamin exists to provide for all their health supplementation needs. But is this simply marketing hype, or the result of scientific research?

Well, according to Allison Aubrey in an article for National Public Radio, the kinds of studies needed to validate the efficacy of vitamins with regard to their ability to prevent most chronic diseases simply have not been done. Making matters worse, of course, is the fact that, of the longitudinal studies which, to date, have been done, some have presented less than complimentary results. Recent trials of vitamin e, for example, have failed to establish prophylactic benefits for this micronutrient with regard to coronary artery disease.

The quest for the perfect multivitamin, of course, goes back many decades. And even before one-a-day pills began to be manufactured, the desire for a nutritional magic bullet could be seen in the often successful marketing of “flim flam” tonics of the nineteenth century.

Are multivitamins a good thing? That’s a simple enough question. The answer to the question, however, probably depends on the questioner and the context in which the question has been asked. If the questioner is truly asking if multivitamins can cure specific illnesses and diseases, the answer is no. If, on the other hand, the questioner is wondering whether or not a daily multivitamin may “help prevent” the onset of certain medical impairments, the answer is…maybe.

The truth is, medical science, as of yet, offers no absolute conclusions as to the efficacy of micronutrients. Likewise, then, the jury is still out on the issue of multivitamins.

However, having said that , the chances are favorable if you ask your personal physician who’s treating you for a disability about vitamins, the response you’ll probably get will likely be similar to this: “If you take them as directed, you may experience some benefit over time and you probably will not suffer any harm”. Unfortunately, “time” may be a matter of decades.

It would be nice, of course, if nutritionists and physicians could point to absolute concrete conclusions regarding nutritional supplementation. But they’re not quite there yet. In the meantime, you’re probably safe taking your one-a-day pill. And keep in mind, certainly, that you should always keep your physician updated on what you’re taking, particularly if you are being treated for a medical impairment.

The author of this article is Tim Moore, who also publishes a blog that answers questions about social security disability.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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